- Easter
- Eating/Meals
- Ecclesiastes
- Egyptian Plagues
- Eli
- Elihu
- Elijah
- Eliphaz
- Elisha
- Elizabeth
- Elkanah
- Emmaus
- Endor (Saul and the Witch of Endor)
- Enoch
- Entry into Jerusalem
- Epiphany
- Esau
- Esther
- Ethiopian Eunuch
- Eucharist
- Exodus
- Expectation
- Ezekiel
- Fall
- Fathers
- Feeding the Multitudes
- Fig Tree
- Fire
- Fiery Furnace (Daniel)
- Fish/Fishing
- Flight into Egypt
- Flood/Noah/Rainbow
- Four Beasts (Daniel)
- Four Evangelists
- Futility, Despair, Disillusionment
- Gabriel
- Garden of Eden
- Gaza (Samson)
- Genesis
- Gethsemane
- Gibeon (Solomon)
- Gideon
- Golden Calf
- Goliath (David and Goliath)
- Gomer
- Good Samaritan
- Good Shepherd
- Gossip
- Great Banquet (Parable)
- Grief
- Guilt
- Habakkuk
- Hagar
- Haggai
- Haman/Esther
- Hannah (Samuel)
- Harvest
- Healing
- Heaven
- Hell
- Herod (Antipas - Death of John)
- Herod (the Great - Magi)
- Herodias
- Hezekiah
- Hiram
- Holy Week
- Holy Family/Madonna and Child
- Hope
- Hosea
- Isaac
- Isaiah
- Ishmael
- Israel, Twelve Tribes