Links to images of the
Denial/Betrayal of Jesus
by the
Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72;
22:55-62; John 18:25-27
Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-50;
Luke 22:47-53; John 18:3-11
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- The Condemnation of Christ and the Denial of Saint Peter, early 5th century. Museum of Antiquities Collection, Saskatchewan.
- Betrayal and Arrest, Ickleton, Cambridgeshire, 1150-1200. Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish Church.
- Scenes from the Life of Christ: 12. Judas Receiving Payment for his Betrayal, Giotto di Bondone, 1304-1306. Web Gallery of Art
- Scenes from the Life of Christ 15. Kiss of Judas, Giotto di Bondone, 1304-06. Web Gallery of Art
- Betrayal in Gethsemane, Fairstead, Essex, 13??. Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish Church.
- The Pact of Judas, Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308-11. Web Gallery of Art
- The Betrayal of Christ, Masters of Dirc van Delf, 1405-1410. Getty Museum.
- The Denial of Saint Peter, Simon Bening, 1525. Getty Museum.
- The Repentant Peter, El Greco, c 1600. Web Gallery of Art
- The Taking of Christ, Caravaggio, 1602. National Gallery of Art.
- The Denial of St Peter, Caravaggio, 1610. Web Gallery of Art
- Peter Denying Christ, Rembrandt, 1628.
- Denial of St Peter, Nicolas Tournier, 1625. Web Gallery of Art
- The Denial of Peter, Jan Miense Molenaer, 1636. Web Gallery of Art
- Peter Denying Christ, Georges de La Tour, 1651.
- Peter Denying Christ, Rembrandt, 1660.
- Peter's Denial, Gustav Dore, 1865. Felix Just's "Gospel of John" site.
- Peter's Betrayal, Carl Bloch, 1875, Hope Gallery.
- Judas Kiss, James B. Janknegt, 1992.
- Judas' Kiss, Bertrand Bahuet, 1995-96, fresco.
- Peter's Denial, Bertrand Bahuet, 1995-96, fresco.
- L'annonce de la trahison de Juda, Corinne Vonaesch, 2001.
- Peter Denies Jesus, African Mafa.
- The Kiss of Judas, African Mafa.
- Denial, Geoff Todd, Australia. Asian Christian Art Association.
- Betrayal 1, Geoff Todd, Australia. Asian Christian Art Association.
- Betrayal 2, Geoff Todd, Australia. Asian Christian Art Association.
- Denying the Hand of Jesus, Robin Jensen, "The Apostle Peter: Just a Simple Fisherman," contemporary. Scroll Right.
- Jesus Kissed by Judas, Chris Cook, contemporary.