Links to images of Gabriel
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- Archangel Gabriel (Triptych), early 10th century. Benaki Museum.
- The Archangel Gabriel, Pisan, 1325/1350. National Gallery of Art.
- The Archangel Gabriel, Masolino da Panicale, c 1420/30. National Gallery of Art.
- Justice between the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Jacobello del Fiore, 1421. Web Gallery of Art.
- The Angel Gabriel, Agostino diDuccio, c 1450. Web Gallery of Art.
- The Angel Gabriel, Neroccio d'Landi, c 1490. Web Gallery of Art.
- The Angel Gabriel, late 15th-early 16th century, Flemish. National Gallery of Art.
- The Angel Gabriel, Ferrari Gaudenzio, 1511. National Gallery, London.
- Go Down Death, Aaron Douglas, 1934. Narratives of African American Art and Identity. (Image Use Policy)
See also: Annunciation; Zacharias