Liturgy of the Palms C
Image: Detail of the Tomb Effigy
of Elizabeth Boott Duveneck Frank Duveneck
(1848–1919) Date: 1891, cast 1927.
Photo by Rick Morley.Click on Scripture Lessons below for study links and resources:
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Roman Catholic reading: Psalm 24 or Psalm 47Luke 19:28-40 or John 12:12-16
Roman Catholic reading: Luke 19:28-40
Episcopal reading (RCL): Luke 19:28-40
Reading and Studying the Text This Week
- Texts:
- Illustrated lectionary readings at Vanderbilt Divinity Library.
- Roman Catholic Lectionary Readings from the New American Bible.
- Episcopal Lectionary: BCP - RCL.
- Lutheran lectionary readings, Year C, from the ELCA site.
- United Methodist lectionary readings.
- Free Church version for Baptist, Reformed, and Congregational use Revised Common Lectionary Readings.
- ELCIC Worship Planning Calendar, lectionary citations with and without hymn suggestions, text and pdf formats.
- Lutheran RCL CEV readings - .doc files. Lutheran Bible Ministries.
- Images and Movies:
- Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art Concordance, with the following themes:
- Movies Linked at The Text This Week's Movie Concordance, with the following themes:
- Commentary, Exegesis & Sermon Preparation (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Textweek Blog and Facebook Page: The Text This Week, lectionary discussion & suggested articles on Facebook.
- Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Preaching This Week commentary,, Luther Seminary, 2016, 2013.
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2016.
- "A Man on a Colt with No Name," D Mark Davis, Left Behind and Loving It, 2016.
- Pulpit Fiction, podcast. Reflections of lectionary text, pop culture, current events, etc. Robb Mc Coy and Eric Fistler, 2016.
- "Into Jerusalem," Palm/Passion Sunday, SAMUEL, UCC, 2016.
- The Center for Excellence in Preaching, resources from Calvin Theological Seminary: Comments & Observations, Textual Points, Illustration Ideas, 2016.
- Evangelectionary, Jonathan Shively, Evangelism Connections, 2016.
- The Adventurous Lectionary, Bruce Epperly, Living a Holy Adventure, 2016.
- Lectionary at Lunch: MP3, Windows Media, and Real Audio files of lectures by professors at Concordia Seminary, St Louis, MO (LCMS), 2016.
- Ministry Matters, 2016.
- This Week at, 2016.
- Social Justice Lectionary, Bruce Sweet, 2016.
- Weekly Worship. Thoughts on Readings, Prayers & Hymn Suggestions. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2019.
- Commentary, Cultural Resource, Worship Resource, Palm Sunday, African American Lectionary, 2013.
- "Orchestrating Events," D Mark Davis, Left Behind and Loving It, 2013.
- The Lectionary Lab, Palm/Passion Sunday, the Rev'ds Dr. John Fairless and Delmer Chilton (aka "Two Bubbas and a Bible"), 2013. Lectionary Lab Live podcast.
- Pulpit Fiction, podcast. Reflections of lectionary text, pop culture, current events, etc. Robb Mc Coy and Eric Fistler, 2013.
- Celebration, Desotation, and Healing, Palm/Passion Sunday, Bruce Epperly, Living a Holy Adventure, 2013.
- Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary, Palms/Passion C, by Paul Nuechterlein & Friends.
- Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resource, Cultural Resource, The African American Lectionary, 2010.
- Rumors, for March 28, 2010, Ralph Milton, "Sermon helps for preachers with a sense of humor."
- Jesus Now, Palm Sunday. Lectionary, study and worship resources from Faith Futures Jesus Then & Now.
- Readings, Analysis of Texts and Preaching Paths, Dennis Bratcher, Christian Resource Institute. (Church of the Nazarene.)
- "The History of Palm Sunday," Abbot Gueranger O.S.B.
- Recommended articles from ATLAS, an online collection of religion and theology journals, are linked below. ATLAS Access options are available for academic institutions, alumni of selected theological schools, and clergy/church offices.Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Lectionary Reflections, Discussions & Weblogs:
- Textweek Blog and Facebook Page: The Text This Week, lectionary discussion & suggested articles on Facebook.
- Sermon Brainwave, Lectionary podcast featuring Profs. Rolf Jacobson, Karoline Lewis, and Matt Skinner, discussing the week's passages in light of current events. At Luther Seminary's 2013.
- "Holy Week Grace," Karoline Lewis, Working Preacher, 2016.
- "Only One Thing," David Lose, the Meantime, 2016.
- "The Donkey: A Subversive Choice?" Janet Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2016.
- "The Crying of the Stones," Anna Shirey, The Labyrinth Way, 2016.
- "If Jesus Were a Politician," Bob Cornwall, Ponderings on a Faith Journey, 2016.
- "To Serve and Love: Following the Way of Christ," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2016.
- The Cloaks that didn't make the Road, "A Different Heresy," Peter Lockhart, 2016.
- "The Wounded God Meets Us In Our Wounds," Modern Metanoia, 2016.
- "The Donkey," Lynn Miller, celebrating our creative and living God by generating art and architecture resources for congregations and individuals. Art and Faith Matters facebook page contains additional resources.
- Visions from the Catacombs, Catacomb Churches, 2016.
- Prospect, Christ Church, Clermont-Ferrand, 2016.
- "Awkward Palm Sunday," Katie Munnik, Presbyterian Record, 2016.
- "Closed Ears and Lazy Tongues," John C. Holbert, Opening the Old Testament, 2016.
- "Core Stories," Sermon, 2016.
- "Kings and Servants," Eric Smith, LECTIO, 2016.
- The Preacher's Study, D. Jay Koyle, The Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission, 2016.
- "If Jesus Was a Politician..." Bob Cornwall, Ponderings on a Faith Journey, 2016.
- Palm Sunday, Suzanne Guthrie, At the Edge of the Enclosure, 2016.
- Preaching Tip of the Week, Bob Eldan, preachingtip, 2016.
- "New Ways of Being Alive," Dan Clendenin, Journey with Jesus, 2016.
- Sacredise, John vandeLaar, 2016.
- "Draughting Theology," Steve Pankey, 2016. Daily reflections and study for Sunday.
- Prison Lectionary (reflections by persons incarcerated in US prisons), 2016.
- Homily Week, 2016.
- Richard Bryant, Food for Thought, 2016.
- Pray As You Can, Reflections, commentary, prayer, poems, etc., Kym Harris, Diocese of Rockhampton, 2016.
- Lectio Divina Podcast, Todd Spencer, 2016.
- HuffPost Religion, religion news and contemporary news in religious perspective. Always worth a read...
- Unfolding Light, Daily Reflections leading toward Sunday readings, Steve Garnaas-Holmes, 2016.
- Break Open the Word, Michael T. Hiller, 2016.
- One Little Word, David J. Risendal, 2016.
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Bible, Andy Doyle, Episcopal Diocese of Texas, 2016.
- The River of Life, Loddon Mallee UCA Presbytery Blog, 2016.
- Sunday's Child, Daily Lectionary and Reflections on Scripture and World, Una Malachica, 2016.
- Weekly Reflections on the Christian Faith (lectionary texts), conversations between Mark Smith and David Owen, England Public School Chaplains. 2016
- Kairos CoMotion Lectionary Dialogue, Wesley White, 2016.
- Living the Lectionary, Daily RCL reflections, Pr. Phil Heinze, Fort Worth, TX, 2016.
- The Preacher's Exchange - First Impressions and Homilias Domincales / Homilias Breves. Jude Siciliano, O.P., 2016.
- SacraConversazione, discussion of the texts in terms of traditions of interpreters, from a postmodern perspective, 2016.
- COSLC Grace Notes, Pastor Dan Bollerud, Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Anchorage, AK. Meditations & poetry, 2016.
- Lectionary Scripture Notes, Dr. Norman Beck, 2016.
- "A More Important Question," David Lose, Working Preacher, 2013.
- Rewriting the Palm Sunday Story: Reflections on Luke 19:28-40, Alyce McKenzie, Edgy Exegesis, 2013.
- "Enough - A Reflection on Psalm Sunday," Rick Morley, 2013.
- "Rewriting the Angels Song," Amy Allen, Political Theology
- Care for Creation Reflections, Robert Saler, Lutherans Restoring Creation, 2013.
- "Living the Story," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2013.
- "If Anyone Asks," Katie Munnik, Presbyterian Record, 2013.
- "A Triumphal Blog," Neil Chappel, a weird thing, 2013.
- "WWFS - What Would Francis Say?" Rev. Anne S. Howard, A Word in Time, The Beatitudes Society, 2013.
- "Can You Hear the Stones?" Beth Scibienski, A Thousand Words of Inspiration, 2013.
- The Worship Closet, Amy Loving, 2013.
- Sacredise Worship Resources, 2013.
- Palm Sunday Procession: 1981, Robert Stuhlmann, Stories from a Priestly Life, 2013.
- Preaching Tip of the Week, Bob Eldan, preachingtip, 2013.
- "The Sun-Scorched Path," Larry Patten, 2013.
- "Palms and Passion: The Work of Holy Week," Debra Dean Murphy, Intersections, 2010.
- "The Spiritual Practice of Preparation," Melissa Bane Sevier, Contemplative Viewfinder, 2010.
- Palm/Passion Sunday, Laura and Matt Norvell, grounded & rooted in love, 2010.
- "Palming off the Donkey King," Peter Woods, I Am Listening, 2010.
- Lectionary Blogging, John Petty, Progressive Involvement, 2010.
- "He's Subverting Our Nation!" The Journey with Jesus: Notes to Myself, Daniel B. Clendenin, Journey with Jesus Foundation, 2007.
- Dylan's Lectionary Blog, Palm/Passion Sunday, 2007. Biblical Scholar Sarah Dylan Breuer looks at readings for the coming Sunday in the lectionary of the Episcopal Church.
- The Saturday Night Theologian, Exegesis of Word and World, Tod O.L. Mundo, Progressive Theology Weblog, 2007.
- Desperate Preacher's Site: sermons, discussions, liturgical material and other resources.
- Sermons (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked
in listings at top of page):
- "Players and Protagonists in the Kingdom of God," Nancy Taylor, Day 1, 2016.
- "Sometimes We Get It Right," by Jim Somerville. A Sermon for Every Sunday. Projectable video sermons for every Sunday of the Liturgical Year.
- The Things that Make for Peace, Fredrick Buechner, Fredrick Buechner Institute.
- King for a Day, William Self, Day 1, 2013.
- "'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,'" the Rev. Dr. Joseph S. Pagano, Sermons that Work, Episcopal Digital Network, 2013.
- Ministry Matters, 2016.
- Göttinger Predigten im Internet: Every Sunday Sermons based on the RCL by a team of Lutheran theologians/ pastors, 2016.
- Domingo de Palmas (C), por el Rvdo. Gonzalo Antonio Rendon-Ospina, Sermones que Iluminan, 2013.
- "Holy Week: Then and Now," Bishop B. Michael Watson, Day 1, 2010.
- Palm/Passion Sunday Sermons, Pastor Edward F. Markquart, Grace Lutheran Church, Seattle, Washington.
- Group Studies & Discussion/Reflection Questions:
- "A Mysterious Event," Faith Element, 2016. Podcast.
- "Into Jerusalem," Weekly Seeds, UCC, 2016.
- Bible Study, Palm Sunday, 2013, Ben Garren, Bexley Hall, Sermons that Work, Episcopal Digital Network.
- Proclaiming Faith, discussion, prayer, activities for primary grades, activities, 2013.
- Light on the Lessons, Lutheran Bible Ministries. .doc file leaders guide and participant guide for group study of the weekly lectionary readings.
- A list of links to on-line Bibles and general Bible study resources.
- A list of links to scholarly and preaching discussion groups and their homepages.
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.
OnLine Worship and Liturgy
- Resources and Images on The Text This Week's Lenten Resources page.
- Complete Liturgies (includes prayers & hymns):
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2016.
- Gathering, from the United Church of Canada. Includes sermon seeds, liturgical ideas, "with children," hymn suggestions, choral suggestions etc, 2016. (Terms of Use)
- Life in Liturgy, Disciples of Christ, 2016.
- Taking Worship Home, Breen Sipes, Tri-Saints Lutheran Parish, 2016.
- Commentary, Cultural Resource, Worship Resource, Palm Sunday, African American Lectionary, 2013.
- Mustard Seeds, "In and Out of Season," Palm Sunday, 2016. A lectionary-based ideas resource for leaders of contemporary worship, Ann Scull, Gippsland, Australia.
- "To Serve and Love: Following the Way of Christ," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2016.
- LCA Worship Planning Page, Palm/Passion Sunday, "Everything lay-readers need to prepare worship."
- Ministry Matters, 2016.
- Sacredise, John vandeLaar, 2016.
- Worship Resources, Rev. Mindi, Rev-o-lution. 2016.
- "Living the Story," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2013.
- Lectionary Liturgies, Palm/Passion Sunday C, Thom M. Shuman, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- Palm/Passion Sunday service outline, Rev. Bosco Peters, New Zealand.
- Liturgy for Palm/Passion Sunday, Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
- Lectionary Liturgies, Palm/Passion Sunday, Thom M. Shuman, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- Palm Sunday liturgy from The Church of England in An Anglican Liturgical Library.
- Prayers, Prefaces, Litanies, etc.:
- Laughing Bird Liturgical Resources, by Nathan Nettleton, South Yarra Community Baptist Church, Melbourne, Australia. Prayers, blessings, Eucharistic prefaces and scripture paraphrases.
- Resources: Based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Prayers, Collects and Litanies by Bruce Prewer, Uniting Church in Australia.
- Lector's Notes, Palm/Passion Sunday, Gregory Warnusz, Saint Jerome Parish, Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO. Notes and commentary for those reading this week's lectionary texts to the congregation.
- Liturgy: prayer reflection, reflections on the collect at the Eucharist, Rev. Bosco Peters, New Zealand.
- Thematic, Intercessory and Scripture Prayers for the RCL, Vanderbilt Divinity Library.
- "my heart is desolate," meditation prompts and prayers, Suzanne Guthrie, At the Edge of the Enclosure, 2010.
- Weekly Worship. Thoughts on Readings, Prayers & Hymn Suggestions. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2019.
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2016.
- "Service Prayers for Palm/Passion Sunday," Worship Ways, UCC, 2013.
- The Timeless Psalms: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, Palm Sunday C, Joan Stott, prayers and meditations based on lectionary Psalms, 2013.
- Call to Worship, Mary-Jane Konings, 2013.
- "The Worship Closet," Amy Loving, 2013.
- Prayers of the People, Lowell Grisham, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2013.
- Prayers of the People for Palm Sunday, Rick Morley, 2013.
- Palm Sunday, Suzanne Guthrie, At the Edge of the Enclosure, 2016.
- Liturgy Link, 2016.
- Reclaim Weekly Worship Prayers.
- Liturgical Resources, (Ir)revBrent, 2016
- Engage Worship, 2016.
- World in Prayer, the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Lodi, California. Prayers. Prayers and litanies based on each week's world news.
- Prayers of the People, Blessing/Benediction, Lowell Grisham, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2016.
- Graphics and Multimedia (see also listings at individual
scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Art in the Christian Tradition, Jean and Alexander Heard, Vanderbilt Divinity Library. Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 3.0 License.
- HermanoLeón Clipart, Palm Sunday / Passion. Free clipart, backgrounds, slides, etc.
- Clip Art Images: Palm Sunday, Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú.
- Cerezo Barredo's weekly gospel illustration. Follows Latin American Roman Catholic gospel reading, though most gospels texts/themes are found in the index. Liberation emphasis.
- Mustard Seeds, "In and Out of Season," Palm Sunday, 2016. A lectionary-based ideas resource for leaders of contemporary worship, Ann Scull, Gippsland, Australia.
- Church Galleries sample - free powerpoint download for this week's lectionary scripture(s).
- "Inevitable Praise," faithelement, various mulitimedia approaches to this week's scripture texts.
- Visual Theology, Faithful Images, Dave Perry, reflections and images usually tied to RCL texts.
- Agnus Day, Lectionary cartoon by James Wetzstein.
- Hymns and Music:
- Original Hymns, Settings, and Songs:
- Hymn for Passion/Palm Sunday, David Miller, 2016.
- "We Long to Know Peace!" Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. A new hymn based on Luke 19:38-40; 22:14-23:56. Tune: LYONS 10. 10. 11. 11 ("O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!").
- "One Day as Jesus Reached a Town," Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, Tune: FOREST GREEN D ("How Beautiful the March of Days"). A new Palm Sunday hymn lifts up Jesus’ way of peace and was for The Presbyterian Outlook magazine for Lent 2013 and available with the music.
- "Lord, What A Parade!" Text: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, Tune: LYONS "O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!"). A new Palm Sunday hymn calls for the church to follow Jesus with more than singing Hosannas and was for Presbyterian Outlook magazine for Lent 2011 and available with the music.
- Psalm Settings:
- "Give your Thanks to God," lyrics, midi, sheet music, mp3. Stephen J. Pearson, The Psalmistry. See Terms of Use.
- Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 set to He Leadeth Me (LMD), Psalm Settings by Dale A. Schoening, Metrical Psalms.
- Hymn/Song/Choral Piece Lists:
- You Call That Church Music? alternative music planning blog for church musicians following the RCL (with videos), Ann Strickland, 2013.
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2016.
- Hymn and Song Suggestions, Palm Sunday, 2010, annotated suggestions from Natalie Sims, Singing from the Lectionary.
- Worship Resource Manual, The Moravian Church, Southern Province. Worksheets for planning music in worship: hymns, anthems, solos, organ repertoire suggestions for RCL texts.
- The Billabong, Lent 5, by Rev Jeff Shrowder, Uniting Church in Australia: Hymn suggestions and paraphrases of lectionary Psalms.
-, hymns, scores, media, information.
- Liturgical Planning and Music Suggestions, CanticaNova Publications.
- Traditional Hymns for Blended and Contemporary Worship, Volume Two: Lent-Easter. Sibelius and .pdf files of traditional hymns, with chord symbols for singers/keyboardists/guitarists. United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship.
- Choral Anthem Project, Passion (Palm) C, National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
- Lectionary Hymns, Passion (Palm) C, National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
- Sing for Joy, Palm/Passion Sunday, 2007. Choral reflections on this week's lectionary readings, St. Olaf College.
- Weekly Worship. Thoughts on Readings, Prayers & Hymn Suggestions. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2019.
- Gathering, from the United Church of Canada. Includes sermon seeds, liturgical ideas, "with children," hymn suggestions, choral suggestions etc, 2016. (Terms of Use)
- Together to Celebrate, Palm Sunday 2013, David MacGregor, Uniting Church in Australia. Contemporary Christian Music resources.
- Original Hymns, Settings, and Songs:
- With Children (see also listings at individual
scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Worshiping with Children, Palm/Passion Sunday, Including children in the congregation's worship, using the Revised Common Lectionary, Carolyn C. Brown, 2016.
- "Storypath Lectionary Links: Connecting Children's Literature with our Faith Story," 2016, Union Presbyterian Seminary.
- "We Build Each Other Up With Our Words," John Stevens, Dollar Store Children's Sermon, 2016.
- "Sermon of the Week," / "Mensajes para ninos," Sermons 4 Kids, Charles Kirkpatrick, Object Lessons & Children's Sermons, Coloring Pages, Puzzles.
- "To Serve and Love: Following the Way of Christ," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2016.
- "Living the Story," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2013.
- "There's a Prayer for That: The Lord Needs It," On the Chancel Steps, children's resources by Frances Woodruff, 2013.
- Gathering, from the United Church of Canada. Includes sermon seeds, liturgical ideas, "with children," hymn suggestions, choral suggestions etc, 2016. (Terms of Use)
- Ministry Matters, 2016.
- Proclaiming Faith, discussion, prayer, activities for primary grades, activities, 2013.
- Children's Bulletins (see also listings at individual
scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- Coloring Page, Mass Worksheet, Crossword Puzzle, and Word Search based on weekly gospel text.
- Children's Activity Sheets: Activities for Children, based on the Revised Common Lectionary, by Dorothy A. DeBisschop, Great Hill UMC, Seymour, Connecticut. At Bass Mitchell's
- Activity Sheets for Children, Fun for all Creatures Great & Small, UCC, 2010. (pdf)
- Coloring Pages/Puzzles. Charles Kirkpatrick, Object Lessons & Children's Sermons, Coloring Pages, Puzzles. (Scroll to bottom of page.)
- Lectionary Puzzles by Reg McMillan, St.Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Peterborough, Ontario. Word search puzzles in RTF or plain text (html) formats.
- Weekly Devotions, Faith Formation Journeys, 2016.
- Drama (see listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- Pharisee Monologue for Palm Sunday, Beth Scibienski, 2016.