Advent 4C
Image: "For Joy,"
©Jan Richardson.
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Click on Scripture Lessons below for study links and resources:
Micah 5:2-5a
Catholic reading: Micah 5:1-4
1:47-55 or Psalm 80:1-7
Roman Catholic
reading: Psalm 80:2-19
Episcopal reading (RCL): Canticle 3 or Canticle 15
or Psalm 80:1-7
United Methodist reading: Luke
Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
Catholic reading: Luke 1:39-45
Reading and Studying the Text This Week
- Texts:
- Illustrated lectionary readings at Vanderbilt Divinity Library.
- Roman Catholic Lectionary Readings from the New American Bible.
- Episcopal Lectionary: BCP - RCL.
- Lutheran lectionary readings, Year C, from the ELCA site.
- United Methodist lectionary readings..
- Lutheran RCL CEV readings - .doc files. Lutheran Bible Ministries.
- PCUSA - Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals Scripture Reference.
Images and Movies:
- Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art
Concordance, with the following themes:
- visitation
- Links to general Advent images:
- Movies Linked at The Text This Week's Movie Concordance, with the following themes:
- Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art
Concordance, with the following themes:
- Commentary, Exegesis & Sermon Preparation (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Facebook Page: The Text This Week, lectionary discussion & suggested articles on Facebook.
- Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Working Preacher Commentary commentary, Advent 4, Luther Seminary.
- Commentary and Spiritual Perspectives, Advent 4C,. Commentary, historical background, poems and readings. Center for Liturgy, St Louis University. (Español)
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2018.
- Ministry Matters.
- The Adventurous Lectionary, Bruce Epperly, Living a Holy Adventure, 2015.
- "Welcoming the Goodness of God," Kathryn Matthews Huey, SAMUEL, UCC, 2018. Sermon Prompts for Environmental Justice, Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt.
- The Adventurous Lectionary, Bruce Epperly, Living a Holy Adventure, 2018.
- "Two Prophetic Women, A Lord, and a Leaper," D Mark Davis, raw translation and exegesis/questions, Left Behind and Loving It, 2012.
- Faith in Process, Robert McDonald
- The Lectionary Lab, Advent 4, the Rev'ds Dr. John Fairless and Delmer Chilton (aka "Two Bubbas and a Bible"), 2012.
- Starters for Sunday. Thoughts on Readings, Prayers & Hymn Suggestions. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2018.
- This Week at, 2018.
- Social Justice Lectionary, Bruce Sweet, 2018.
- The Center for Excellence in Preaching, resources from Calvin Theological Seminary: Comments & Observations, Textual Points, Illustration Ideas, 2018.
- Lectionary at Lunch: MP3, Windows Media, and Real Audio files of lectures by professors at Concordia Seminary, St Louis, MO (LCMS), 2018.
- Comments (commentary) and Clippings (technical notes for in-depth study), Chris Haslam, Anglican Diocese of Montreal.
- Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary, Advent 4, by Paul Nuechterlein & Friends.
- Jesus Now, Advent 4C. Lectionary, study and worship resources from Faith Futures Jesus Then & Now.
- Rumors, for December 20, 2009, Ralph Milton, "Sermon helps for preachers with a sense of humor." (Alternate lectionary texts.)
- Readings, Analysis of Texts and Preaching Paths, Dennis Bratcher, Christian Resource Institute. (Church of the Nazarene.)
- Recommended articles from ATLAS, an online collection of religion and theology journals, are linked below. ATLAS Access options are available for academic institutions, alumni of selected theological schools, and clergy/church offices. Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Lectionary Reflections, Discussions & Weblogs:
- Facebook Page: The Text This Week, lectionary discussion & suggested articles on Facebook.
- Sermon Brainwave, Lectionary podcast featuring Profs. Rolf Jacobson, Karoline Lewis, and Matt Skinner, discussing the week's passages in light of current events. At Luther Seminary's 2018.
- "Hardly Waiting," Karoline Lewis, Working Preacher, 2018.
- Living by the Word, Austin Crenshaw Shelley, The Christian Century, 2018.
- "Mary and Hannah and a Woman in the County Jail," Janet H Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2018.
- "A Visit and a Song," Debie Thomas, Journey with Jesus, 2018.
- peaceonjustice, Barbara Born, 2018.
- Sacredise, 2018.
- Preaching Tip of the Week, Bob Eldan, preachingtip, 2018.
- "O Little Town of Bethlehem," Glenn Monson, Law & Gospel Everywhere, 2018.
- Richard Bryant, Food for Thought, 2018.
- Insights with Seitz Podcast, Wycliffe College, 2018,
- Radical Discipleship.Net, "The Wild Lectionary," curated by Laurel Dykstra.
- Earthkeeper's Preaching, 2018.
- Theology of Work, 2018.
- Church Health Daily Devotions, Butch Odom, 2018.
- "Draughting Theology," Steve Pankey, 2018. Daily reflections and study for Sunday.
- Homily Week, 2018.
- This Week at, 2018.
- The Reflectionary, images, reflections, activities, Fay Rowland, 2018.
- Sunday Scripture Podcast, Joe Cate and friends, 2018.
- Reading in Church & Other Distractions Podcast, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, 2018
- LectioCast - Homebrewed Christianity, 2018.
- "What I'm Thinking," Eric Anderson, You Tube, RSS, Playlist, 2018.
- "Crackers & Grape Juice," 2018.
- Pray As You Can, Reflections, commentary, prayer, poems, etc., Kym Harris, Diocese of Rockhampton, 2018
- Lectio Divina Podcast, Todd Spencer, 2018.
- HuffPost Religion, religion news and contemporary news in religious perspective. Always worth a read...
- Unfolding Light, Daily Reflections leading toward Sunday readings, Steve Garnaas-Holmes, 2018.
- Break Open the Word, Michael T. Hiller, 2018.
- Lectionary Poetry, Scott Barton, 2018.
- One Little Word, David J. Risendal, 2018
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Bible, Andy Doyle, Episcopal Diocese of Texas, 2018.
- The River of Life, Loddon Mallee UCA Presbytery Blog, 2018.
- Sunday's Child, Daily Lectionary and Reflections on Scripture and World, Una Malachica, 2018.
- Weekly Reflections on the Christian Faith (lectionary texts), conversations between Mark Smith and David Owen, England Public School Chaplains. 2018
- Kairos CoMotion Lectionary Dialogue, Wesley White, 2018.
- Living the Lectionary, Daily RCL reflections, Pr. Phil Heinze, Fort Worth, TX, 2018.
- The Preacher's Exchange - First Impressions and Homilias Domincales / Homilias Breves. Jude Siciliano, O.P., 2018.
- SacraConversazione, discussion of the texts in terms of traditions of interpreters, from a postmodern perspective, 2018.
- Lectionary Scripture Notes, Dr. Norman Beck, 2018.
- "Singing as an Act of Resistance," David Lose, the Meantime, 2015.
- "A Merciful Advent," Karoline Lewis, Dear Working Preacher, 2015.
- "Two Women Rejoicing," Glenn Monson, Law & Gospel Everywhere, 2015.
- "And a Little Christmas Shall Lead Them," Stan Duncan, If You Lived Here You'd Be Home by Now, 2015.
- "Draughting Theology," Steve Pankey, 2015. Daily reflections and study for Sunday.
- "Thanks, Mom," David F. Sellery, 2015.
- "Stewards of the Message and the Margins," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2015.
- "The Politics of the War on Christmas," Robert Williamson, Jr., Political Theology Today, 2015.
- Signs of the Times, Ken Sehested, prayer & politiks, 2015.
- "Blessed be the fruit of your womb!" Peter Lockhart, A Different Heresy, 2015.
- "Visit a family member," Lynn Miller, Art & Faith Matters, celebrating our creative and living God by generating art and architecture resources for congregations and individuals. Art and Faith Matters facebook page contains additional resources.
- "A Multitude of Ruptures," Ekklesia Project, 2015.
- "Blessed Are You Among Women!" Bob Cornwall, Ponderings on a Faith Journey, 2015.
- "Every pure and virgin soul," Andrew Prior, First Impressions, 2015.]
- "Who Is This Peaceful One?" John Holbert, Opening the Old Testament, 2015.
- "Two Women Rejoicing," Glenn Monson, Law and Gospel Everywhere, 2015.
- Lectionary Ruminations, John Edward Harris, Sacredise, 2015.
- "Like Mary Did," Janet H. Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2015.
- "Hope and Peace," LECTIO, Eric Smith, 2015.
- "Homeless at Christmas," Dan Clendenin, Journey with Jesus, 2015.
- Liberating Lectionary, meditations from non-canonical texts, Jack Lohr, 2015.
- Upside Down, Right Side Up, Sermon Stories, 2015.
- "Recognition!" Thomas Beam, 2015.
- "Coming," Journey to Penuel, 2015.
- "Advent Cessna," Larry Patten, 2015.
- "No More 'Ho-Hum, the Reading of Scripture,'" lectionary poetry, Scott Barton, 2015.
- Lectionary Blogging, Luke 1:39-56, John Petty, Progressive Involvement, 2012.
- "Advent and Anxiety," Advent 4, Dan Clendenin, The Journey with Jesus, 2012. 2009.
- "You Are Highly Favored," Robb McCoy, The Fat Pastor, 2012.
- "Mary, the Reluctant Prophet," Alyce M. McKenzie, Edgy Exegesis, 2012.
- "What Did Micah Really Want?" John C. Holbert, Opening the Old Testament, 2012.
- "A Multitude of Ruptures," Jim McCoy, Ekklesia Project, 2012.
- Lectionary Notes, Beth Quick, 2012.
- "Encountering Incarnation," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2012.
- Traveling Advent to Epiphany, Advent 4, reflections by Rachel M. Srubas, Faith Forward, 2012.
- Care for Creation Reflections, Dennis Ormseth, Lutherans Restoring Creation, 2012.
- "An Expectant Kick," Katie Munnik, Presbyterian Record, 2012.
- "A Song Pregnant with Hope," Christopher Burkett, PreacherRhetorica, 2012.
- "Full of Grace," "Prepare Him Room," Suzanne Guthrie, Soulwork toward Sunday: At the Edge of the Enclosure, 2012.
- The Irrepressible Love of God, Steve Godfrey, Church in the World, 2012.
- "Escape to Judea and the Great Reversal," Richard Mario Procida, Modern Lectionaries, 2012.
- "Hopes and Fears," the Rev. Dr. Janet H. Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2012.
- Lectionary Ruminations, John Edward Harris, Summit to Shore, 2012.
- "What Have the Romans Done for Us?" Neil Chappell, a weird thing, 2012.
- "I Believe," Larry Patten, 2012.
- "A Political Pregnancy (and the Beatles)," Jenny Williams, The Ekklesia Project, 2009.
- "Incarnation is an inside job," Peter Woods, I am listening, 2009.
- "As Good As Done," Doug Lee, The Ekklesia Project, 2009.
- Sermons (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked
in listings at top of page):
- "Gentle Mary, Meek and Mild?" by MaryAnn McKibben Dana. A Sermon for Every Sunday. Video sermons from America’s best preachers for every Sunday of the Liturgical Year.
- "In Need of a Blessing," by MaryAnn McKibben Dana. A Sermon for Every Sunday. Video sermons from America’s best preachers for every Sunday of the Liturgical Year.
- "The Baby Is the Easy Part," Michael Brown, Day1, 2015.
- "Sacrifice," Frederick Buechner Sermon Illustrations.
- "Learning to Focus," the Rev. Dr. Casey Baggott, Day 1, 2012.
- Ministry Matters.
- Göttinger Predigten im Internet: Every Sunday Sermons based on the RCL by a team of Lutheran theologians/ pastors, 2018.
- "The Place Where Heaven Will Touch the Earth," the Rev. Dr. Wiley Stephens, Day 1, 2009.
- "Head of Household," the Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston, Day 1, 2006.
- Group Studies & Discussion/Reflection Questions:
- "Welcoming the goodness of God," Weekly Seeds, UCC, 2018.
- "Doing Good Work," study guide, Robert B. Kruschwitz, (other resources at) "Caring for Creation," Christian Reflection, The Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University, 2013. Focus article, "Doing Good Work," Jeffrey Bilbro. (Psalm 80)
- "What Should We Say about Mary?" study guide, Robert B. Kruschwitz, (other resources at) "Women and the Church," Christian Reflection, The Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University, 2009. Focus article: "What Should We Say about Mary?" Carole L. Baker. (Luke 1:26-45)
- Light on the Lessons, Lutheran Bible Ministries. .doc file leaders guide and participant guide for group study of the weekly lectionary readings.
- A list of links to on-line Bibles and general Bible study resources.
- A list of links to scholarly and preaching discussion groups and their homepages.
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.
OnLine Worship and Liturgy Resources
- Advent Candle Liturgies
- The Text This Week's Advent Resources Page includes links to images illustrating Advent and Christmas themes.
- Complete Liturgies and General Worship Planning Resources:
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2018.
- Gathering, from the United Church of Canada. Includes sermon seeds, liturgical ideas, "with children," hymn suggestions, choral suggestions etc, 2018. (Terms of Use)
- Mustard Seeds, "Expect the Unexpected," Advent 4C, 2018. A lectionary-based ideas resource for leaders of contemporary worship, Ann Scull, Gippsland, Australia.
- Sacredise, 2018.
- Worship Resources, Rev Mindi, Rev-o-lution, 2018.
- "Stewards of the Message and the Margins," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2015.
- Ministry Matters.
- Lectionary Liturgies, Advent 4C, 2018, Thom M. Shuman, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- Advent in the Southern Hemisphere, Rev. Bosco Peters, Liturgy, 2009.
- Worship and Liturgy Resources, Advent 4, by Rev David Beswick, Uniting Church in Australia.
- Liturgical Planning and Music Suggestions, CanticaNova Publications.
- Prayers, Prefaces, Litanies, etc:
- Laughing Bird Liturgical Resources, by Nathan Nettleton, South Yarra Community Baptist Church, Melbourne, Australia. Prayers, blessings, Eucharistic prefaces and scripture paraphrases.
- Resources: Based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Prayers, Collects and Litanies by Bruce Prewer, Uniting Church in Australia.
- Lector's Notes, Advent 4C, Gregory Warnusz, Saint Jerome Parish, Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO. Notes and commentary for those reading this week's lectionary texts to the congregation.
- Thematic, Intercessory and Scripture Prayers for the RCL, Vanderbilt Divinity Library.
- Advent collects, Southern Hemisphere, Advent Penitence, Rev. Bosco Peters, Liturgy.
- Starters for Sunday. Thoughts on Readings, Prayers & Hymn Suggestions. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2018.
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2018.
- The Timeless Psalms: Psalm 80:1-7, Joan Stott, prayers and meditations based on lectionary Psalms, 2012.
- Prayers and Musical Ideas, Advent 4C. Center for Liturgy, St Louis University. (Español)
- World in Prayer, the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Lodi, California. Prayers. Prayers and litanies based on each week's world news.
- Liturgy Link, 2018.
- re: Worship, 2018.
- Point of Contact - Where Life and Worship Intersect, Julie Gvillo, Call to Worship is published on Tuesday mornings. The Confession piece is published on Wednesday mornings. And the Prayers of the People is published on Friday mornings.
- Reclaim Weekly Worship Prayers, 2018.
- Liturgical Resources, (Ir)revBrent, 2018
- Prayers of the People, Blessing/Benediction, Lowell Grisham, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2015.
- Graphics and Multimedia (see also listings at individual
scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Art in the Christian Tradition, Jean and Alexander Heard, Vanderbilt Divinity Library. Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 3.0 License.
- HermanoLeón Clipart, Advent 4C. Free clipart, backgrounds, slides, etc.
- Clip Art, Advent 4C, Fr. Richard Lonsdale, Resources for Catholic Educators.
- Clip Art Images: Luke 1:39-45, Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú.
- Cerezo Barredo's weekly gospel illustration. Follows Latin American Roman Catholic gospel reading, though most gospels texts/themes are found in the index. Liberation emphasis.
- Hymnsight, Ralph Milton. Projection-ready image backgrounds to accompany seasonal hymn lyrics.
- Agnus Day, Lectionary cartoon by James Wetzstein.
- Hymns and Music:
- Original Hymns, Settings, and Songs:
- "The Lowly Will Be Lifted Up" a hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, recalls Mary's Magnificat, and celebrates ways we can share God's blessedness with others. Tune: ST. ANNE ("Our God, Our Help in Ages Past").
- “He Shall Be the One of Peace” is an original hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette celebrating Micah’s vision, that God would send one from Bethlehem to lovingly rule his people. This hymn was commissioned by The Presbyterian Outlook magazine for new Advent text-related hymns to Christmas carol tunes. Tune: HUMILITY (“See Amid the Winter's Snow”).
- “Mary Gladly Told Her Cousin,” an original hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette based on Mary rejoicing in the promise of Jesus before his birth, the Magnificat (Luke 1:39-56). This hymn was commissioned by The Presbyterian Outlook magazine for new Advent hymns to Christmas carol tunes. Tune: IRBY (“Once in Royal David's City”).
- “Mary Heard the Angel's Message,” an original hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette celebrates many biblical stories about Mary, from before Jesus' birth, fleeing from Herod, his teaching about his family, her presence at his death and with the disciples after his resurrection. This hymn is in the Episcopalians’ Voices Found. Tune: BEECHER D “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”) and HYFRYDOL (“Alleluia, Sing to Jesus”).
- "Leap for Joy," Brenton Prigge, NewHymn.
- A Hymn for Advent by Rev. David Beswick, Uniting Church in Australia.
- Psalm Settings:
- "Hear Us Lord," lyrics, midi, sheet music, mp3. Stephen J. Pearson, The Psalmistry. See Terms of Use.
- Psalm 80:1-7 set to The Solid Rock (88 88 888), Psalm Settings by Dale A. Schoening, Metrical Psalms.
- Hymn/Song/Choral Piece Lists:
- Hymn and Song Suggestions, Advent 4, 2015, annotated suggestions from Natalie Sims, Singing from the Lectionary.
- You Call That Church Music? alternative music planning blog for church musicians following the RCL (with videos), Ann Strickland, 2015.
- Preaching Helps and Worship Resources, Rev. Dawn Chesser, Taylor Burton-Edwards, Dean McIntyre, Prayers, Lectionary Hymns, United Methodist Church General Board of Discipleship, 2018.
- Hymn Suggestions for the Sunday Lectionary (with lyrics and sound files) from the Oremus Hymnal. (Click "Hymn Suggestions for the Sunday Lectionary.")
-, hymns, scores, media, information.
- Hymn selections (United Methodist) and more from
- The Billabong by Rev Jeff Shrowder, Uniting Church in Australia.
- Liturgical Planning and Music Suggestions, CanticaNova Publications.
- Worship Resource Manual, The Moravian Church, Southern Province. Worksheets for planning music in worship: hymns, anthems, solos, organ repertoire suggestions for RCL texts. Direct link to Advent 4C.
- Choral Anthem Project, Advent 4C, National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
- Lectionary Hymns, Advent 4C, National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
- Sing for Joy, Advent 4C, 2009. Choral reflections on this week's lectionary readings, St. Olaf College. 2006.
- Starters for Sunday. Thoughts on Readings, Prayers & Hymn Suggestions. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2018.
- Hymnsight, Ralph Milton. Projection-ready image backgrounds to accompany seasonal hymn lyrics.
- Gathering, from the United Church of Canada. Includes sermon seeds, liturgical ideas, "with children," hymn suggestions, choral suggestions etc, 2018. (Terms of Use)
- Prayers and Musical Ideas, Advent 4C. Center for Liturgy, St Louis University. (Español)
- Together to Celebrate, December 23, 2012, David MacGregor, Uniting Church in Australia. Contemporary Christian Music resources.
- Original Hymns, Settings, and Songs:
- With Children (see also listings at individual
scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Worshiping with Children, Advent 4, 2015, Including children in the congregation's worship, using the Revised Common Lectionary, Carolyn C. Brown, 2012.
- "Storypath Lectionary Links: Connecting Children's Literature with our Faith Story," Union Presbyterian Seminary.
- "Sermon of the Week," / "Mensajes para ninos," Sermons 4 Kids, Charles Kirkpatrick, Object Lessons & Children's Sermons, Coloring Pages, Puzzles.
- Dollar Store Children's Sermons, John Stevens, 2018.
- Musical Instrument/Message Pad, John Stevens, Dollar Store Children's Sermons, 2015.
- Ministry Matters.
- Children's Sermon, Faith Formation Journeys, 2015.
- "Christmas Cliches," Dianne Deming, Children's Sermons Today, 2012.
- "Stewards of the Message and the Margins," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2015.
- Gathering, from the United Church of Canada. Includes sermon seeds, liturgical ideas, "with children," hymn suggestions, choral suggestions etc, 2018. (Terms of Use)
- "Encountering Incarnation," Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2012.
- On the Chancel Steps, children's resources by Frances Woodruff, 2012.
- Ministry Matters.
- Children's Bulletins (see also listings at individual
scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- Lectionary Puzzles by Reg McMillan, St.Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Peterborough, Ontario. Word search puzzles in RTF or plain text (html) formats.
- Weekly Devotions, Faith Formation Journeys, 2015.
- Coloring Pages/Puzzles. Charles Kirkpatrick, Object Lessons & Children's Sermons, Coloring Pages, Puzzles. (Scroll to bottom of page.)
- Drama (see listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.