Proper 10A Ordinary 15A Pentecost 4 A

Proper 10A/Ordinary 15A/Pentecost +6
July 12, 2020

With thanks to Geoge Thompson
Sturges Memorial Conogregational Churh
Port Huron, MI .

The Sower
Image: Hermanoleon, free clip art.

Click on Scripture

Genesis 25:19-34 or Isaiah 55:10-13
Roman Catholic reading: Isaiah 55:10-12
United Methodist & ELCIC reading: Genesis 25:19-34

Psalm 119:105-112 or Psalm 65:(1-8), 9-13
Roman Catholic reading: Psalm 65:10-14
United Methodist reading: same as above or Psalm 25

Romans 8:1-11
Roman Catholic reading: Romans 8:18-23

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Roman Catholic reading: Matthew 13:1-23, or Matthew 13:1

Reading and Studying the Text This Week

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