Season of Creation 2A
Land Sunday
Click on Scripture Lessons below for study links and resources for each individual pericope:
Genesis 3:14-19; 4:8-16
Matthew 12:38-40
Reading and Studying the Text This Week
- Texts:
- Series A: The Spirit Series, Readings at Season of Creation.
- Images:
- Commentary, Exegesis & Sermon Preparation (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page):
- Sermon Themes, Series A, Season of Creation Website.
- Earth Care, Ministering to Earth as a Church, Land Sunday.
- Resources for Creation A, Rev. Bosco Peters, New Zealand.
- Season of Creation: Some Points for Preachers, Christian Ecology Link.
- Lectionary Reflections, Discussions & Weblogs:
- "Return of the Red Earth Man," Peter Woods, I Am Listening, 2011.
- Ideas for Spiritual Reflection, Second Sunday in Creation.
- Sermons (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked
in listings at top of page)
- "Being a Disciple with the Land," Pastor Richard Schwedes, North Tasmania Lutheran Parish.
- Group Studies & Discussion/Reflection Questions:
- A list of links to on-line Bibles and general Bible study resources.
- A list of links to scholarly and preaching discussion groups and their homepages.
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.
OnLine Worship and Liturgy Resources
- Complete Liturgies and General Worship Planning Resources:
- Land Sunday Liturgies, (Australian & U.S. Versions), Season of Creation Website.
- Planning Starters for the Season of Creation,, 2014.
- Liturgy for the Celebration of Life, Pentecost 13A/Creation 2. Liturgies from a Progressive/Post-Liberal Theology, Revd Rex A.E. Hunt, The Uniting Church of St James Curtin, ACT, 2011.
- Resources for Creation A, Rev. Bosco Peters, New Zealand.
- "Season of Creation: An Ecumenical, Global Observance for September 2008," United Methodist Church GBOD.
- Service Outline, soil theme, ecofaith mid north coast, 2008.
- Prayers, Prefaces, Litanies, etc:
- Graphics and Bulletin Materials (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- Land Images, Season of Creation Website.
- PowerPoint with pictures, ecofaith mid north coast, 2008.
- Pre-Worship animated slide, ecofaith mid north coast, 2008.
- Hymns and Music:
- Songs for the Season of Creation 2A, 2011, annotated suggestions from Natalie Sims, Singing from the Lectionary.
- Song/hymn list, Pastor Richard Schwedes, North Tasmania Lutheran Parish.
- "God wants reconciliation," Jason John, TUNE: Praise my soul the king of heaven, 87.87.87, ecofaith mid north coast, 2008.
- Children's Bulletins (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- With Children (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- A Secret in the Soil, Second Sunday in Creation, Season of Creation Website.
- Drama (see listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.