Worship & Prayer Responses to Acts of Violence
(unfortunately, always in progress - please use "contact" link above to let me know about resources...)
- Prayers, Liturgies, Litanies & Other Worship Resources:
- "Blessing When the World Is Ending," Jan Richardson, The Painted Prayerbook, 2016.
- A Resource Collection: Nice, France, 2016.
- A Resource Collection: Orlando, 2016.
- Presiding Bishop's Letter following Orlando Shooting. ELCA, 2016.
- A Liturgy for Orlando, Mantu Joshi, PNW, UMW, 2016.
- Vigil for Orlando, Rob Lee, Ministry Matters, 2016.
- Liturgy for the Tragedy in Orlando, St Mary's Episcopal Curch, St Paul, MN, 2016.
- A Litany after the Orlando Massacre, The Diocese of Rochester, 2016.
- A Litany after the Orlando Massacre, 2016.
- The Great Litany Adapted for Orlando, 2016
- A Litany for Orlando, Yvonnne Aburrow, 2016.
- A Prayer for Orlando, and All of Us, Phil Vischer, 2016.
- Pray for Orlando: Images & Memes to Show Support.
- Litany for Gun Violence Prevention offered for use in Sunday Services, Episcopal News Service, 2016.
- Blessing in a Time of Violence, Jan Richardson.
- Image for use when talking about gun control.
- Reflections, Sermons and Articles:
- #what2preach when blood is running in the streets, Wil Gafney, PhD, RevGalBlogPals, 2016.
- "End the Culture of Gun Violence," John Edward Harris, Summit to Shore, 2016.
- "Lord, Teach Us to pray...With Whom Shall We Pray?" Janet H. Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2016.
- "End the Culture of Gun Violence," John Edward Harris, Summit to Shore, 2016.
- "No Comparison," Karoline Lewis, Dear Working Preacher, 2016.
- "A Word from the Christian Community at an Interfaith Gathering after the Orlando Shooting," Casey G. Baggott, Community Church of Vero Beach, FL.
- "A Provocation," Richard Swanson, Provoking the Gospel, 2016.
- Speaking Up After the Orlando Shootings, UMC, 2016.
- How to Help Children after a Crisis, Ministry Matters, 2016.
- A Meditation on the Orlando Shooting,Mark Gall, Christianity Today, 2016.
- In the wake of Orlando, rabbis call for action, not prayer, against gun violence, Amanda Borschel-Dan, Jewish Times, 2016.
- "In the Day of Trouble," Melissa Bane Sevier, Contemplative Viewfinder, 2016.
- A Day of Mourning - For Orlando and the World, Bob Cornwell, 2016.
- "Sex in the kingdom of God," Nancy Rockwell, The Bite in the Apple, 2016.
- "After Orlando We Need to Think More Radically, More Deeply in our Politics, and more Respsectfully," Carl Raschke, Political Theology Today, 2016.
- Sermon after the Orlando Massacre, Catacomb Churches, 2016.
- Hymns & Music:
- To a Place of Celebration is a new hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette lamenting discrimination, hate crimes and gun violence after the mass killings in Orlando. Tune: D EBENEZER or BEACH SPRING
- Jesus, Let Me Share Your Sorrow, please acknowledge Rev. Paul G.. Janssen. Tune: Pulse. 2016.