Prayers for Peace Heartland Presbyterian Church September 11, 2001

We pray for those whose lives were lost today- may their memory be preserved. We pray for their grieving families, as they strive to understand and to accept their devastating loss. We pray for those who might still be alive beneath the debris. We ask for audacious miracles to find them and rescue them alive. We pray for those who have been injured, and ask you to give strength to those who are exhausting themselves in response- search and rescue personnel, fire fighters, hospital workers, and law enforcement officers.

??. Gracious God? "Hear our prayers and grant us peace."

We pray for others directly affected by the terror of this day. Be the unseen friend beside those who are anxiously awaiting word about the welfare of their loved ones and friends. As they wait by the phone and imagine the worst, provide them with a sense of calm and hope. Be with your children of New York City, Washington DC, and Western Pennsylvania. As the dust and smoke settle, as the chaos subsides, give them the courage to make community and share their lives together in hope.

??. Gracious God? "Hear our prayers and grant us peace."

We pray for those- like many of us- who are more indirectly affected by the terror of this day. As we attend to the continuous, unfolding news accounts, our feelings of security are violated and we feel more vulnerable than ever before. As we see grand structures of economic and military power crumble, we are reminded of how unstable our treasures are and how dependent we are on the good will of others. And as we seethe with anger, may we rightly call for justice, but not wrongly lash out for revenge. May we rightly demand the satisfaction of truth, without wrongly perpetuating speculation and falsehoods. Give us the presence of mind and the depth of spirit to believe that good overcomes evil, love overcomes hate, and life overcomes death.

??. Gracious God? "Hear our prayers and grant us peace."

We pray for our leaders. We ask that you give President Bush and Vice-President Cheney strength for the long and arduous journey that lies before them. Grant them wisdom to pursue what is right and not just what mollifies our anger. Grant them courage to lead us into greater community. Be with mayors, with the leaders and deployed members of our Armed Services, with investigators and policy-makers- may they have the fortitude to do their jobs well.

??. Gracious God? "Hear our prayers and grant us peace."

Finally, we pray for our enemies. For those who masterminded terror on a scale that has never before been seen, we pray for conversion- may their hearts be turned from evil to good, from violence to peace, and from hate to love. For those who were complicit in this act, may they be convicted by the terror of their act and become repentant. We ask for understanding of the incomprehensible; for forgiveness for the unforgivable, and for and end to barbarism forever. We may not pray this prayer with great enthusiasm; we may not be able to take it all in; but that which we cannot understand or forgive, we leave to your grace and your vengeance. It is all that we can do.

??. Gracious God? "Hear our prayers and grant us peace."

D. Mark Davis
Clive, IA USA