With thanks to Rev. Terri Thorn, 2014.
- Reading the Text:
- NRSV (with link to Anglicized NRSV) at Oremus Bible Browser.
- Greek Interlinear Bible, ScrTR, ScrTR t, Strong, Parsing, CGTS, CGES id, AV.
- The Bible Gateway: NRSV, RSV, NIV, NASB, CEV, The Message, KJV, etc.
- The Blue Letter Bible. KJV, alternate versions, Greek text with concordance, commentaries.
- The World Wide Study Bible includes commentary, expositions and sermons.
- Historical References, Commentary and
Comparative Texts:
- "Two as One," The Jesus Database, an online annotated inventory of the traditions concerning the life and teachings of Jesus. Dr. Gregory C. Jenks, FaithFutures Foundation.
- Vision I.I, Shepherd of Hermas. (c.145)
- I.III.4, Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus of Lyons. (c. 180)
- III.11, Paedagogus, Clement of Alexandria (c 200)
- IV.8, VI.16, Stromata, Clement of Alexandria (c 200)
- Chapter XI, On Idolatry, Tertullian (c. 211)
- Chapter XXIII, On the Resurrection of the Flesh, Tertullian (c. 211)
- Chapter XVII, On Modesty, Tertullian (c. 217)
- II.VI.7, First Principles (De Principiis), Origen. (c.225)
- II.30, Commentary on the Gospel of John, Origen. (c.228)
- IV.Summary.31, First Principles (De Principiis), Origen / Rufinus (c.230)
- VI.3, Commentary on the Gospel of John, Philocalia [anthology of Origen prepared by St. Basil and St. Gregory Nazianzen], Origen. (c.230)
- IV.LXXII, V.XLIX, VII.XXXVIII, Against Celsus, Origen. (c.246)
- XI.13, XII.33, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Origen. (c.247)
- Epistle LI -- Cyprian of Carthage (c. 252)
Commentary by St John Chrysostom:
Homily VIII.
- "He said that this is not our life, but another, that which is in heaven."
- "Exhortation to Truly Good Works," Colossians 3:1-7, Martin Luther, c. 1525.
- From the Geneva Notes.
- "The end and mark which all the duties of Christian life aim at is to enter into the kingdom of heaven, and to give ourselves to those things which lead us there, that is, to true godliness, and not to those outward and physical things."
- From
Matthew Henry's
- "As heaven and earth are contrary one to the other, both cannot be followed together; and affection to the one will weaken and abate affection to the other."
- From Wesley's Notes.
- From the
Commentary on the Whole Bible
(Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, 1871).
- "The Head being quickened, the members are also quickened with Him. Where the Head is, there the members must be."
- From The People's
New Testament, B.W. Johnson, 1891.
- "Like the tree in the winter, not dead, but the life hidden. When the spring comes, its life shows itself in glory."
- Contemporary Commentary, Studies and Exegesis:
- Commentary,
Colossians 3:1-11, Lois Malcolm, Preaching This Week,, 2019.
- "...this passage gives practical counsel on how to enact the letter’s theological themes in everyday life."
- "Christ Is All and In All," Esther Parajuli, Political Theology, 2019.
- "This text is not preaching erasure of difference under One Christ but reminding us that we are all interdependent. Our difference is always in relation, and not an ontological chasm."
- Commentary,
Colossians 3:1-11, Brian J Walsh, Preaching This Week,, 2016.
- "The "heavenly-mindedness" of this text presents an immediate problem to the preacher."
- The Center for Excellence in Preaching, resources from Calvin Theological Seminary: Comments & Observations, Textual Points, Illustration Ideas, 2016.
- Commentary, Colossians 3:1-11 | Dr. Carl M. Leth | Professor of Theology, ONU | A Plain Account, 2016
- "The letter to the Colossians is written to a community of young Christians discovering their faith. They are trying to 'figure it out.'"
- Pulpit Fiction, with podcast. Reflections of lectionary text, pop culture, current events, etc. Robb Mc Coy and Eric Fistler, 2016.
- Commentary, Kyle Fever, Colossians 3:1-4, Easter A, Preaching This
Week,, 2014.
- "In Colossians, Paul addresses a way of thinking and existing that runs counter to the thought and life rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ."
- Commentary,
Colossians 3:1-11, Richard Carlson, Preaching This Week,, 2013.
- "Since the author recognizes the ongoing reality of slavery in his instructions to slaves in 3:22-25, the final contrasting pair, slave/free, in 3:11 helps show that for the author what has been negated in baptism is not the existence of such contrasting groups. Rather these contrasts no longer serve as the prime identity of people's separateness since they are all in Christ who gives them their prime identity."
- "The Earthly Good of the Heavenly Mind," Steve Godfrey, Church in the World, 2013.
- "When I set my mind on pursuing earthly things I'm never left satisfied. My personal favorites have been lust, sloth, and gluttony. Yet these earthly strivings have never come through for me. Which earthly things are your favorites and how have they worked out for you?"
- "It's the Name on the Front of the Jersey that Matters," David A. Sánchez, ON Scripture, Odyssey Networks, 2013.
- "I am inclined to read this Biblical passage as a response by the author to a community that was struggling with shifting ethnic, social, and cultural demographics where one group attempted to conserve and validate a perceived privileged position based on what they recognized to be normative, entrenched, and original."
- "Get a 'Hidden' Life!" Peter Lockhart, A Different Heresy, 2013.
- "Christ in All," Faith Element, 2013.
- Liberal Lectionary Reflections, "Born again...and again...and again," Nancy Kraft, 2013.
- "First
Thoughts on Year C Epistle Passages in the Lectionary," Pentecost 11, William Loader, Murdoch University, Uniting Church in
- "The reference to 'all' may also have a much wider focus: all people and all of creation. That is at least the goal of this love which flows from the heart of God and that needs to be the goal of that love in and through our lives as well, so that no one is beyond it and no part of creation beyond our care and concern."
- Colossians 3:1-11 - Proper 18C: Comments (commentary) and Clippings (technical notes for in-depth study), Chris Haslam, Anglican Diocese of Montreal.
- "Hiding
with God and from Myself," Russell Rathbun, The Hardest Question,
- "If I am clothed with the new self, how do I make sense of the self I see in the mirror?"
- Colossians 3:1-11, Christ and the Powers of Darkness: Lessons from Colossians, Robert Paul Roth, Word & World Texts in Context, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, 1986.
- "Real Life in Christ," Rev. Bryan Findlayson, Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons, Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources.
- Kairos CoMotion Lectionary Discussion,
Colossians 3:1-11, Wesley White. "A place of
conversation regarding Progressive Christianity."
- "Whichever way you come to the Story, there is a need to jettison such unhelpful pausing points as anger, malice, slander, and abusive language."
- "The
Old Man," David L. Roth, in Kerux: The Online Journal of
Biblical Theology (Reformed).
- "It's certainly true that this age is tethered to the patience of God. And he will certainly come someday (the not-yet) and will bring heaven with him (the not-here). That's our hope. But it is primarily the "here" and "now" aspects of heaven?the things of faith that Paul just discussed?that provide the foundation for his exhortation in this particular passage."
- "Heavenly Minded," Alan Brehm, The Waking Dreamer, 2013.
- "From Paul's perspective it would seem that those who are the most heavenly minded are those who are able to do the most earthly good."
- Commentary, Sandra Hack Polaski, Colossians 3:1-4, Easter A, Preaching This
Week,, 2011.
- "Why do we tell the Easter story?"
- "First
Thoughts on Year A Epistle Passages in the Lectionary," Easter
A, William Loader, Murdoch University, Uniting Church in
- "...we can see that this notion of being hidden in God and then being revealed is a pattern for thinking about spirituality and about spiritual action - at any time."
- Commentary,
Colossians 3:1-4 (Easter A), Walter F. Taylor, Jr., Preaching This Week,, 2008.
- "When Jesus is killed and when he is raised, in some way we are killed and we are raised with him. And his past-tense resurrection and our past-tense-but-still-future resurrection help us to lift our eyes to the heavens above, both to see the resurrected Christ and to orient our lives to him."
- Colossians 3:1-4 - Easter A: Comments (commentary) and Clippings (technical notes for in-depth study), Chris Haslam, Anglican Diocese of Montreal.
- "Resurrection
Living," William D. Dennison, in Kerux: The Online Journal
of Biblical Theology (Reformed).
- "Through Christ's Spirit, the believer is in complete union with the victory of Christ's resurrection, and he lives that resurrection presently in heavenly union with his beloved Savior, even as he continues to journey on earth."
- Commentary,
Colossians 3:1-11, Lois Malcolm, Preaching This Week,, 2019.
- Recommended articles
from ATLAS, an online collection of religion and theology journals, are
linked below.
ATLAS Access options are available for academic institutions, alumni of
selected theological schools, and clergy/church offices.Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Barram, Michael,
"Between Text and Sermon: Colossians 3:1-17," Interpretation,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Bloom, Metropolitan Anthony,
"The Life of Prayer," Theology Today, 2004.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Campbell, Douglass A.,
"The Scythian Perspective in Col. 3:11: A Response to Troy Martin,"
Novum Testamentum, 1997.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Foster, Richard J.,
"Salvation Is for Life," Theology Today, 2004.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Gibbs, Jeffrey A., "Homiletical Helps on LSB Series A
- Epistles," (Colossians 3:1-4 begins on page 81), Concordia Journal,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Howington, Nolan P., "Liberating
Christ (Colossians 3:1-11)," Review & Expositor, 1958.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Krause, Deborah,
"Keeping It Real: The Image of God in the New Testament,"
Interpretation, 2005.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Levison, John R., "2 Apoc. Bar.
48:42-52:7 and the Apocalyptic Dimension of Colossians 3:1-6,"
Journal of Biblical Literature, 1989.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Maier, Harry O.,
"A Sly Civility: Colossians and Empire," Journal for the Study of the
New Testament, 2005.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Martin, Troy,
"The Scythian Perspective in Col 3:11," Novum Testamentum, 1995.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Moule, C.F.D.,
"'The New Life' in Colossians 3:1-17," Review & Expositor, 1973.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Roberts, Robert C., "Tempering the
Spirit of Wrath: Anger and the Christian Life," The Christian Century,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Roth, Robert Paul,
"Christ and the Powers of Darkness: Lessons from Colossians," Word &
World, 1986.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Walsh, Brian J., "Late/Post Modernity and Idolatry: A
Contextual Reading of Colossians 2:8 - 3:4," Ex Auditu, 1999.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Barram, Michael,
"Between Text and Sermon: Colossians 3:1-17," Interpretation,
- Sermons:
- "The Mulch Pile," the Rev. Susan Sparks, Day 1, 2011.
- "Living in the Fullness of God," Lori Claudio, Day 1, 2001.
- "Take It Off? Take It All Off?" the Rev. Linda Hollies, Day 1, 1998.
- With Children:
- Worshiping with Children, Proper 13, Including children in the congregation's worship, using the Revised Common Lectionary, Carolyn C. Brown, 2013.
- "Now Set Your Hearts on What Is in Heaven," Sunday School Lessons: Family Bible Study, art projects, music, stories, etc.
- "New Clothes," "The Greatest Wish," Jim Kerlin,
- Drama:
- Graphics & Bulletin Materials:
- Clip Art, Colossians 3:3, Fr. Richard Lonsdale, Resources for Catholic Educators.
- Colossians 3:1-4, Colossians 3:1-4, Heartlight - Free Christian PowerPoint Backgrounds.
- Hymns and Music:
-, hymns, scores, media, information.
- Hymns with Scripture Allusions: Colossians 3:2, 3, 4, 11. The Cyber Hymnal.
- Hymn selections, Colossians 3:1-4, (United Methodist) and more from
- "Christ Has Died and Christ Is Risen," Brenton Prigge, NewHymn, a new, relevant hymn set to traditional tunes.
- At Digital Hymnal (midi files, guitar chords, karaoke files, projection text):
- Fine Arts Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art Index:
- Study Links and Resources for the Book of Colossians