| Ascension
 | Crucifixion
- Toward the end of the film Powder is
despised and rejected by his peers. He is stripped and
"crucified." There are even little moments like the cross
around the neck of one of his prosecutors being lifted up. (see
review at Hollywood
 | Divine Human
- Powder's origin is
uncertain, super-human powers, carried off into another world.
 | Healing/Healers
- see review at Hollywood
- The scene in which the teacher reaches out and
touches Powder is a strong statement about the power of touch and
human connection. (FUMC, Natchitoches, LA)
 | Mary - Virgin Birth
- "A bolt of lightning kills his mother in the midst of her
pregnancy. The lightning denotes a divine touch and visitation,
similar to the divine visitation to Virgin Mary. The abandonment
by his father is similar to Joseph's disappearance in the Bible."
(David Bruce, Hollywood
 | Resurrection
 | Trinity
- There is a scene when the wife of the sheriff is in
a coma & dying: Powder (the character) takes her hand& can
communicate telepathically to the sheriff what she is thinking &
feeling. I likened it to the role Christ plays as our Mediator with
God. (submitted by Deborah G. Seles, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL)
 | Suffering Servant
- Powder as despised, afflicted healer.