| Adam/Eve
- Max, an air crash survivor goes with an old girl friend
to a pancake house and eats strawberries, which he is allergic to. He
calls them the forbidden fruit. He goes on through most of the film acting
as though he is invulnerable and able to save others (Remember the fruit
in Eden would "make you like God.") Later the same fruit bring the
experience of death. (Darrel Manson, Artesia Christian
Church, Artesia, CA)
Baptism/New Life/Rebirth
- Max survives a plane crash and his post
traumatic stress plays out in a feeling of invulnerability. This is a very
deep and layered film, and that invulnerability eventually has to be dealt
with. But while he has that feeling, he is very much similar to Paul when
he speaks of the cross (death) and how in the
cross he has been crucified to the world and the world to him. There is a
freedom he has (although eventually it is somewhat misguided) because he
has, in his mind, already passed through death. So too in the cross (and
baptism) we have passed through death and in many ways, as Paul says, we
have been crucified to the world. The trick is to find the new life that
shows that reality. (Darrel Manson, Artesia Christian
Church, Artesia, CA)