John 12:20-36
John 12:20-33
With thanks to page sponsor 2015:
Pastor Lesley Matschke,
Pine Bluffs United Methodist Church,
Pine Bluffs, Wyoming
- Reading the Text:
- NRSV (with link to Anglicized NRSV) at Oremus Bible Browser.
- Greek Interlinear Bible, ScrTR, ScrTR t, Strong, Parsing, CGTS, CGES id, AV.
- The Bible Gateway: NRSV, RSV, NIV, NASB, CEV, The Message, KJV, etc.
- The Blue Letter Bible. KJV, alternate versions, Greek text with concordance, commentaries.
- The World Wide Study Bible includes commentary & sermons.
- Historical References, Commentary and
Comparative Texts:
- The Five Gospels Parallels, John W. Marshall, University of Toronto.
- "The World's Light," "Saving One's Life," "Pagans Visit Jesus," The Jesus Database, an online annotated inventory of the traditions concerning the life and teachings of Jesus. Dr. Gregory C. Jenks, FaithFutures Foundation.
- Chapter IX, The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians, Ignatius of Antioch (c. 50 - 115).
- XL.5-21; XLI.21; Tatian's Diatessaron (c. 150-160).
- I.VIII.2, IV.II.7, Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus of Lyons. (c. 180)
- Chapter III, On Prayer, Tertullian (c. 199)
- IV.6, Stromata, Clement of Alexandria (c 200)
- Chapter XXIII, Against Praxeas, Tertullian (c. 213)
- II.VIII.4, First Principles (De Principiis), Origen. (c.225)
- I.24, Commentary on the Gospel of John, Origen. (c.228)
- IV.Summary.31, First Principles (De Principiis), Origen / Rufinus (c.230)
- VII.XVII, VIII.XLIII, Against Celsus, Origen (c. 246)
- XII.18, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Origen. (c.247)
- Epistle LV -- Cyprian of Carthage (c. 252)
- Epistle LXXX -- Cyprian of Carthage (c. 257)
- From Augustine's Tractates on John:
Tractate 51
- "Accordingly, brethren, when you hear the Lord saying, "Where I am, there shall also my servant be," do not think merely of good bishops and clergymen. But be yourselves also in your own way serving Christ, by good lives, by giving alms, by preaching His name and doctrine as you can; and every father of a family also, be acknowledging in this name the affection he owes as a parent to his family."
Tractate 52
- "Walk, draw near, come to the full understanding that Christ shall both die and shall live for ever; that He shall shed His blood to redeem us, and ascend on high to carry His redeemed along with Him. But darkness will come upon you, if your belief in Christ's eternity is of such a kind as to refuse to admit in His case the humiliation of death."
Tractate 51
- Part 25, On the Incarnation of the Word, Athanasius of Alexandria, c. 318.
- From the Geneva Notes.
- "The death of Christ is as it were a sowing, which seems to be a dying of the corn, but indeed is the cause of a much greater harvest: and such as is the condition of the head, so will be the condition of the members."
- From
Henry's Commentary.
- "Christ was willing to suffer, yet prayed to be saved from suffering. Prayer against trouble may well agree with patience under it, and submission to the will of God in it."
- From
Wesley's Notes.
- "Unless a grain of wheat die - The late resurrection of Lazarus gave our Lord a natural occasion of speaking on this subject. And agreeable to his infinite knowledge, he singles out, from among so many thousands of seeds, almost the only one that dies in the earth: and which therefore was an exceeding proper similitude, peculiarly adapted to the purpose for which he uses it. The like is not to be found in any other grain, except millet, and the large bean."
- An
Abundant Harvest, from The Poor Man's Portions, Robert Hawker, c.
- "Had Jesus not descended to the grave, how would he have been the life-giving, the soul-quickening root of all his church and people? But now, by this one precious corn of wheat falling into the ground, and dying, how hath the garner of God been filled, and is now continually filling, with his seed!"
- From the
Commentary on the Whole Bible
(Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, 1871).
- "Did our Lord mean to exclude Himself from the operation of the great principle here expressed--self-renunciation, the law of self-preservation; and its converse, self-preservation, the law of self-destruction? On the contrary, as He became Man to exemplify this fundamental law of the Kingdom of God in its most sublime form, so the very utterance of it on this occasion served to sustain His own Spirit in the double prospect to which He had just alluded."
- "The
Corn of Wheat Dying to Bring Forth Fruit: John 12:23-25," Charles H.
Spurgeon. From Farm Sermons (c 1875).
- "Brethren, all the spiritual life that there is in the world is the result of Christ's death. We live under a dispensation which shadows forth this truth to us."
- From The People's New Testament, B.W. Johnson, 1891.
- Contemporary Commentary, Studies, and Exegesis:
- Commentary, John 12:20-33, Karoline Lewis, Preaching This
Week,, 2015.
- "As the Gospel lection chosen for the last Sunday of Lent, this passage might help our parishioners imagine a theological trajectory that fully realizes the implications of the crucifixion but also gives witness to what we know lies beyond -- the resurrection and ascension."
- The Center for Excellence in Preaching, Scott Hoezee, resources from Calvin Theological Seminary: Comments & Observations, Textual Points, illustration ideas, 2015.
- "Spiritual but not Religious," David Lose, the Meantime, 2015.
- "...the point of faith in Jesus isn’t just faith, or comfort, or satisfying spiritual desires. No, the point of following Jesus is that we might be drawn more deeply into the kingdom of God through our love for, service to, and sacrifice on behalf of those around us."
- "The Hour Has Come," Bob Cornwall, Ponderings on a Faith Journey, 2015.
- "To Glorify and...Enjoy?" D Mark Davis, Left Behind and Loving It, 2015.
- "Protons, Neutrons, Electrons," Andrew Prior, One Man's Web, 2015.
- Pulpit Fiction, plus podcast. Reflections of lectionary text, pop culture, current events, etc. Robb Mc Coy and Eric Fistler, 2015.
- Lectionary Greek, Rob Myallis, 2015.
- Language of the Heart, Sharron R. Blezard, Stewardship of Life, 2015.
- "Seeds," Lynn Miller, Art & Faith Matters, celebrating our creative and living God by generating art and architecture resources for congregations and individuals. Art and Faith Matters facebook page contains additional resources.
- "Speaking to the Soul: Cross Purposes," David Sellery, Episcopal Cafe, 2015.
- "A Vision Check-up," Karoline Lewis, Working Preacher, 2015.
- "...But, there is a difference between using other parts of Scripture to inform an interpretation of a biblical passage and quoting other biblical passages to avoid the one in front of you."
- "Do We Ever Find What We're Looking For?" Melissa Bane Sevier, Contemplative Viewfinder, 2015.
- The Time Has Come, Andrew King, A Poetic Kind of Place, 2015.
- "Dying and Living and a Late Winter's Cold," Janet H. Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2015.
- "The words of Jesus now surely have us grappling with the question of what our living and dying is for. How would you answer that question?"
- ""An Imperative to Suffer," Nikki Hardemann, Faith Element, 2015.
- Changed," Alan Brehm, The Waking Dreamer, 2015.
- "If the change that God is bringing about in this world is important to us, then we have to take definite steps in order to align ourselves with it."
- "The Conversation," Robert Stuhlmann, Stories from a Priestly Life, 2015.
- "Salvation," Frederick Buechner, Buechner Blog.
- "Who knows how the awareness of God's love first hits people. Every person has his own tale to tell, including the person who wouldn't believe in God if you paid him."
- "Icons," Nancy Rockwell, Bite in the Apple, 2015.
- "His promise is not that our deaths will be individually reversed, but that we will become part of all people. All people."
- "Cross Purposes?," Thomas Beam, 2015.
- Commentary, John 12:20-33, Marilyn Salmon, Preaching This
Week,, 2012.
- "John alerts his readers to the seductive powers of the world. There can be no compromise."
- "Losing one's psyche; Hearing a voice; Getting a sign," D Mark Davis, raw translation with notes, Left Behind and Loving It, 2012.
- "Who Am I?" Dirk G. Lange, ON Scripture, Odyssey Networks, 2012.
- "Jesus confronts us with a radically different identity and identity-forming process, as he journeys towards the cross."
- Jesus Speaks about his Coming Death, audio telling, story in episodes, graphic, audio and written commentaries. Go Tell Communications, Biblical Storytelling for the Global Village, 2012.
- "When Dying Means Living," Janet H. Hunt, Dancing with the Word, 2012.
- "Is the 'dying' we are called to do voluntary or forced upon us or both? Does it matter? Why or why not?"
- Lectionary Blogging, John Petty, Progressive Involvement, 2012.
- Holy Textures, Understanding the Bible in its own time and in ours,
John 12:20-33, David Ewart, 2012.
- "There is a deliberate pun in John about the 'raising' of Jesus - on the cross, and from the grave. In the first, the rulers of this world are shown to powerless; in the second, death is shown to be powerless."
- "Eavesdropping Discipleship," Alyce M. McKenzie, Patheos, 2012.
- "You cannot hoard your life (psyche in Greek, nephesh in Hebrew), making your survival your goal. You must have a higher allegiance..."
- "Seeds of Light," Peter Woods, I Am Listening, 2012.
- "But when I close my eyes and still my mind from all its reasoning and overthinking, I notice that I can see dimly in the dark. Just enough light to take another step closer to his divine heart."
- The Politics of John 12:20-33, Amy Allen, Political Theology, 2012.
- "Jesus is not from Greece or Galilee, or even Judea. Jesus is from God. Where you're from matters."
- "Decision Time," Caspar Green, Scarlet Letter Bible, 2012.
- "Will you stay on the inside, comfortably numb and self-assured? Or will you follow Jesus, face your fear, and forever expand your horizons?"
- "The Result of Revolution," Lia Scholl, The Hardest Question, 2012.
- "If Jesus thought he died for the people around him, for the movement he was leading, and was not thinking of a universal atonement, does it diminish his death?"
- Commentary, John 12:20-33, Audrey West, Preaching This Week,, 2009.
- Comments (commentary) and Clippings (technical notes for in-depth study), Chris Haslam, Anglican Diocese of Montreal.
Thoughts on Year B Gospel Passages in the Lectionary,"
Lent 5, William Loader, Murdoch University, Uniting Church in
- "God always comes closely attached to the worst violence and greatest depravation, stuck to it as its obverse in compassion. When we see that, every such event becomes a revelation of sin and a window in which we perceive divine pain."
- Exegetical
Notes by Brian Stoffregen.
- "Are our congregations (both the corporate body and individual members) places where "Gentiles" can come and "see" Jesus? Do our members (clergy included) have the skills to bring the unchurched to Jesus for a "conversion experience"?"
- Sermon Preparation Thoughts and Questions by Wesley White, 2006.
Marginally Mark, by Brian McGowan, Anglican priest in Western
- "What is the 'judgment of this world'? Who is the 'ruler of this world'?"
- "The Point of No Return," Preacher's Magazine, 2009: Listening to the Text, Engaging the Text, Preaching the Text.
- "The Hour Has Come," Preacher's Magazine, 2006: Listening to the Text, Engaging the Text, Preaching the Text.
"The Glory of the Cross,"
Lent 5B, Larry Broding's Word-Sunday.Com: A Catholic Resource for This
Sunday's Gospel. Adult Study, Children's Story, Family Activity, Support
- "Does the cross have any meaning in today's culture? Does the meaning culture gives the cross have any connection to Christian faith?"
- Wellspring of the Gospel, Lent 5B, Catherine McElhinney and Kathryn Turner, Weekly Wellsprings.
"Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls to the Ground," Rev. Bryan Findlayson, Lectionary Bible
Studies and Sermons, Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources.
- "Every believer, every minister and congregation, is tempted to realize the Kingdom of God apart from the cross of Christ."
- Environmental & earth-centered reflections from the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota Environmental Stewardship Commission.
- Commentary
by Hall Harris at the Biblical Studies Foundation.
- "The one who serves Jesus is the one who gives up his claim to life in the present world out of love for and allegiance to Jesus: to serve Jesus is in effect to "hate" one's own life."
- "The Sociology of
Secrecy and the Fourth Gospel." Jerome H. Neyrey, in What Is John? Vol.
II: Literary and Social Readings of the Fourth Gospel, 79-109. F. Segovia, ed.
Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
- "Once we start to pull back the veil, we notice numerous instances of hiding-revealing, secrecy, ambiguity and even lying. The following is an attempt to catalogue the primary and related instances of secrecy and "information control" in the document."
- Commentary, John 12:20-33, Karoline Lewis, Preaching This
Week,, 2015.
- Recommended articles
from ATLAS, an online collection of religion and theology journals, are
linked below.
ATLAS Access options are available for academic institutions, alumni of
selected theological schools, and clergy/church offices. Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Bampfylde, Gillian,
"More Light on John Xii 34," Journal for the Study of the New
Testament, 1983.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Bartlett, David
L., "Jesus: Pioneer and Sympathizer," The Christian Century,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Chilton, Bruce, "John
XII 34 and Targum Isaiah LII 13," Novum Testamentum, 1980.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Derrett, J Duncan M, "The Buddhist
Dimension of John," Numen, 2004.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Evans, Craig A., "The Voice from
Heaven: A Note on John 12:28," The Catholic Biblical Quarterly,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Jeske, Richard L.,
"John 12:20-36: Expository Article," Interpretation, 1989.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Kovacs, Judith L.,
"'Now Shall the Ruler of this World Be Driven Out': Jesus' Death as Cosmic
Battle in John 12:20-36," Journal of Biblical Literature, 1995.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - McNeil, Brian,
"The Quotation at John XII 34," Novum Testamentum, 1977.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Morrison, Craig E., O.
"The 'Hour of Distress' in Targum Neofiti and the 'Hour' in the
Gospel of John," The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 2005.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Norheim, Bård,
"A grain of wheat : toward a theological anthropology for leading change in ministry," Journal of Religious Leadership, 2014.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - O'Day, Gail R., "Piety without
Pretense, Faith without Falsehood: The Lenten Journey according to
John," Journal for Preachers, 1997.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Schwager, Raymond, S.J.,
"Christ's Death and the Prophetic Critique of Sacrifice," Semeia,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Sundberg, Walter, "Satan the Enemy," Word & World,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Thurston, Bonnie
Bowman, "The Conquered Self: Emptiness and God in a Buddhist-Christian
Dialogue," Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 1985.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Van Unnik, W.C.,
"The Quotation from the Old Testament in John 12:34," Novum
Testamentum, 1959.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Willimon, William,
"Drawing All Things to Himself," The Christian Century, 1982.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Bampfylde, Gillian,
"More Light on John Xii 34," Journal for the Study of the New
Testament, 1983.
- Sermons:
- "A Blip in the Plan," Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis, Day 1, 2012.
- "The Limits of Ordinary Vision," Edgar Moore, Faith and Leadership, 2012.
- "The Point of No Return," Rev. Bethany Hull Somers, Preacher's Magazine, 2009.
- "When You Look at Jesus, What Do You See?" 2 April 2006, Walter W. Harms, Göttinger Predigten im Internet: Every Sunday Sermons based on the RCL by a team of Lutheran theologians/ pastors.
- "The Hour Has Come," Jim Fitzgerald, Preacher's Magazine, 2006.
- "If a Seed Dies," Sermons from Seattle, Pastor Edward F. Markquart, Grace Lutheran Church, Seattle, Washington.
- "Sacred Ground," the Rev. Debra Metzgar Shew, Day 1, 2003.
- Father Andrew M. Greeley, "Priest, Author, Sociologist," Commentary and Homily
- With Children:
- Worshiping with Children, Lent 3B, Including children in the congregation's worship, using the Revised Common Lectionary, Carolyn C. Brown, 2015. 2012.
- "Storypath Lectionary Links: Connecting Children's Literature with our Faith Story," March 22, 2015, Union Presbyterian Seminary. 2012.
- "My Heart Is Troubled," Charles Kirkpatrick,
- "Sir, We Would See Jesus," Jim Kerlin,
- "Jesus Hears the Voice of God," Sunday School Lessons: Family Bible Study, art projects, music, stories, etc.
- Drama:
- Graphics & Bulletin Materials:
- Clip Art Images: John 12:20-33, Misioneros Del Sagrado Corazón en el Perú.
- John 12:20-33, at Cerezo Barredo's weekly gospel illustration. Liberation emphasis.
- Images for this week's readings, Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- John 12:27-28, Heartlight - Free Christian PowerPoint Backgrounds.
- John 12:20-33, John 12:24-26, Liturgical Drawing, Maria d.c. Zamora, Claretian Resources, Philippines. ("Download and use these for free.")
- Hymns and Music:
-, hymns, scores, media, information.
- Hymns with Scripture Allusions: John 12:21,24, 26, 32. The Cyber Hymnal.
- Hymn selections (United Methodist) and more from
- Hymnal Scripture References, The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship.
- At Digital Hymnal (midi files, guitar chords, karaoke files, projection text):
- Fine Arts Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art Index:
- Movies scenes with the following themes, listed at The Text This Week's Movie Concordance:
- Study Links and Resources for the Book of John