Independence Day
July 4
Click on Scripture Lessons below for study links and resources:
Deuteronomy 10:17-21
Hebrews 11:8-16
Psalm 145 or 145:1-9Matthew 5:43-48
Reading and Studying the Text This Week
- Texts:
- Lectionary readings from the Episcopal Lectionary.
- Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art Concordance, with the following themes:
- Commentary, Exegesis & Sermon Preparation (see also listings at individual scripture pages, linked in listings at top of page)
- Independence Day - 2013, Rev. Nils Chttenden, ECUSA.
- "God, Freedom and the Fourth of July," Bruce Epperly, Patheos, 2011.
- Sermons that Work, Independence Day, the Rev. Ben E. Helmer, ECUSA, 2011.
- Independence Day, 2011, Honoring Those Who Helped Gain Our Independence, The African American Lectionary, 2011.
- Christians and the Pledge, Shane Raynor, Ministry Matters, 2011.
- Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resource, Cultural Resource, Independence Day, Honoring those who helped gain our Independence, 2010.
- The Fourth of July: Celebrating Independence and Interdependence, Bruce Epperly, Patheos, 2010.
- Faithful Citizenship, USCCB, 2010.
- "What to Do About the 4th," Ed Moore, Call and Response, Faith and Leadership, 2010.
- Flag vs Font: Pledging Our Allegiance, Debra Dean Murphy, Intersections, 2010.
- Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resource, Cultural Resource, The African American Commentary, 2009.
- Resources for U.S. Independence Day, United Methodist Church GBOD.
- Selected Sermon, Independence Day, the Rev. Kirk Alan Kubicek, in Sermons that Work, ECUSA, 2009.
- "Interdependence Day," Brian Volck, The Ekklesia Project, 2009.
- "Peace to the Nations," The Journey with Jesus: Notes to Myself, Daniel B. Clendenin, Journey with Jesus Foundation, 2005. (Year A lectionary readings)
- "Celebrating Works in Progress," Katie Sherrod, Proclaiming Gospel Justice in The Witness, 2005.
- "Independence Day," 4 July 2004, David Zersen, Goettinger Predigten: Every Sunday Sermons based on the RCL by a team of Lutheran theologians/ pastors.
- "Good Government in Rome and America" and "Jesus and Jefferson," sermons by Pastor Edward f. Markquart, Sermons from Seattle.
- Independence Day Litany, Prayers, & Reflection, Lisa Clark, Mt Carmel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Portland, OR.
- "Recognizing Secular Occasions and Holidays in the Liturgy," Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
- A list of links to on-line Bibles and general Bible study resources.
- A list of links to scholarly and preaching discussion groups and their homepages.
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.
OnLine Worship and Liturgy Resources
- Complete Liturgies (including hymns & prayers):
- Lectionary Commentary, Worship Resource, Cultural Resource, Independence Day, Honoring those who helped gain our Independence, 2010.
- Worship Resource, Cultural Resource, The African American Commentary, 2009.
- July 4 Weekend, Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
- Resources for U.S. Independence Day, United Methodist Church GBOD.
- Independence Day reflection and prayers, Independence Day & Mission service, Lisa Frenz, Mt Carmel Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon.
- Prayers, Prefaces, Litanies, etc.
- A Prayer for Those Who Govern, Pastor Lisa, 2012.
- A Litany for Independence Day, Rick Morley, 2012.
- A Call to Worship for Independence Day, UMC GBOD.
- Independence Day Litany, Prayers, & Reflection, Lisa Clark, Mt Carmel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Portland, OR.
- A Prayer for the Fifth of July, Jim Somerville, 2010.
- Graphics and Bulletin Materials:
- CHURCH PowerPoint, Rev. Dorothy Okray. Free PowerPoint slides for Worship Services,
- Music and Hymns:
- “For This Land In All Its Wonder,” an original hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, 1999, A hymn for a national holiday. Tune: CWM RHONDDA (“God of Grace and God of Glory”).
- For Freedom, Christ Has Set Us Free!” an original hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, 2000, A hymn celebrating Christian freedom inspired by the letter to Galatians. Tune: ELLACOMBE D (“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”).
- Lectionary Hymns (and hymns for U.S. Independence Day) UMC GBOD, 2010.
- Lectionary Hymns, Independence Day, National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
- For Children:
- A list of links to other lectionary-based preaching and worship resources.