James 3:1-12
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- Reading the Text:
- NRSV (with link to Anglicized NRSV) at Oremus Bible Browser.
- Greek Interlinear Bible, ScrTR, ScrTR t, Strong, Parsing, CGTS, CGES id, AV.
- The Bible Gateway: NRSV, RSV, NIV, NASB, CEV, The Message, KJV, etc.
- The Blue Letter Bible - KJV, alternate versions, Greek text with concordance, commentaries.
- The World Wide Study Bible includes commentary, exposition and sermons.
- Historical References, Commentary and
Comparative Texts:
- Vision II.2, Commandment V.1, Shepherd of Hermas. (c.145)
- Chapter VI, On Patience, Tertullian (c. 202)
- From the
Geneva Notes.
- "Let no man usurp (as most men ambitiously do) authority to judge and censure others harshly."
- From
Matthew Henry's
- "The affairs of mankind are thrown into confusion by the tongues of men."
- From
Wesley's Notes.
- "St. James here, as in several of the following verses, by a common figure of speech, includes himself: we shall receive, - we offend, - we put bits, - we curse - None of which, as common sense shows, are to be interpreted either of him or of the other apostles."
- From the
Commentary on the Whole Bible
(Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, 1871).
- "At first all were allowed to teach in turns. Even their inspired gifts did not prevent liability to abuse, as James here implies: much more is this so when self-constituted teachers have no such miraculous gifts."
- From
The People's
New Testament, B.W. Johnson, 1891.
- "Do not many of you seek to be teachers. The office of public teaching in the church is meant."
- Contemporary Commentary, Studies, and Exegesis:
- Commentary,
James 3:1-12, Margaret Aymer, Preaching This Week, WorkingPreacher.org, 2018.
- "Metaphors abound in James 3:1-12, and these can often obscure the point that James is trying to make in this passage..."
- A Plain Account, Wesleyan Commentary, Nathan Willowby, 2018.
- "We need better speech from our leaders more than we need to talk people out of being leaders."
- Pulpit Fiction, plus podcast. Reflections of lectionary text, pop culture, current events, etc. Robb Mc Coy and Eric Fistler, 2018.
- The Center for Excellence in Preaching, Doug Bratt, resources from Calvin
Theological Seminary: Comments & Observations, Textual Points,
illustration ideas, 2018.
- "As I’ve said before, the Epistle of James aims to help “believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ” (2:1) conduct themselves in consistently Christian ways in a difficult and deceptive world."
- Commentary,
James 3:1-12, Sandra Hack Polaski, Preaching This Week, WorkingPreacher.org, 2012.
- "The preacher encountering this text might be forgiven for the sudden urge to suggest, in lieu of the sermon, that the congregation engage in a time of silent prayer."
- "Toxic Talk and the Virtue of Silence," Dan Clendenin, The Journey with Jesus, 2012.
- "Brains, Reins and a Tiller," Mike Baughman, The Hardest Question, 2012.
- "It turns out that size doesn't matter."
- Commentary,
James 3:1-12, A.K.M. Adam, Preaching This Week, WorkingPreacher.org, 2009.
- "Consistently with his previous arguments, James insists that the ideal of discipleship extends even to self-control with regard to casual speech. And that goes double for leaders in the church!"
- "Healing Words," Alan Brehm, The Waking Dreamer, 2009.
- "We have ample evidence around us to verify James’ assertion that our words have the potential to be lethal. Instead, our words ought to be healing words; they ought to bring grace and peace; they should build up and not tear down, heal rather than kill, encourage rather than discourage."
- "Taming the Tongue," study guide for adults, Robert B. Kruschwitz, (other resources at) "The Letter of James," Christian Reflection, The Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University, 2012. Focus article: "Taming the Tongue," by Todd D. Still.
- Comments (commentary) and Clippings (technical notes for in-depth study), Chris Haslam, Anglican Diocese of Montreal.
Thoughts on Passages on Year B Epistle Passages in the Lectionary,"
Pentecost 16, William
Loader, Murdoch University, Uniting Church in Australia.
- "It is salutory to be reminded that communication does things to people, the givers and the receivers. Wisdom is about getting things together, seeing how they connect, and becoming more of a whole person."
the Tongue,"
The Journey with Jesus: Notes to Myself, Daniel B. Clendenin, Journey
with Jesus Foundation, 2009.
- "With our words we name the world and each other, and at least in some sense our naming creates a genuine reality. Once our speech and narratives take hold, they have a tremendous power and tenacity for good or evil."
"Setting Nature on Fire," Halden Doerge, The Ekklesia Project,
- "We are called to refuse the form of power that is practiced in the ideologies that set nature on fire all around us. The deceitful words of those in power, the words of blessing and cursing from the same mouth, these the words we are called to reject."
- "The Wisdom of James," Robert W. Wall, Baylor University Christian Ethics, 2009. Section on this text, "The Wise Community Talks the Walk," begins on p. 33.
- "Mind Your Tongue: Reflections on Christian Conversation," William E. Hulme, Word & World, 1986.
- Commentary,
James 3:1-12, Margaret Aymer, Preaching This Week, WorkingPreacher.org, 2018.
Recommended articles
from ATLAS, an online collection of religion and theology journals, are
linked below.
ATLAS Access options are available for academic institutions, alumni of
selected theological schools, and clergy/church offices. Annotated list of "starting place" articles at ATLAS for this week's texts (includes direct links).
- Culpepper, R. Alan,
"The Power of Words and the Tests of Two Wisdoms," Review and Expositor,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Hulme, William E.,
"Mind Your Tongue: Reflections on Christian Conversation," Word and
World, 1986.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Marty, Martin E.,
"Keep It to Yourself," The Christian Century, 2005.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Mitchell, Glenn, "Living by the Word: Mark 8:27-38, James 3:1-2," The Christian Century,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Porter, Virgil V., Jr.,
"The Sermon on the Mount in the Book of James, Part 1," Bibliotheca
Sacra, 2005.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Porter, Virgil V., Jr.,
"The Sermon on the Mount in the Book of James, Part 2," Bibliotheca
Sacra, 2005.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Shore, Mary Hinkle,
"Lesson Plans," The Christian Century, 2003.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Stacy, R. Wayne,
"The Power to Bless: James 3:1-12 (A Sermon)," Review and Expositor,
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Talbert, Charles H.,
"James: Teaching Outlines and Selected Sermon Seeds," Review and
Expositor, 2000. (See especially, "On the Tongue," (p. 175.))
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Watson, Duane F.,
"The Rhetoric of James 3:1-12 and a Classical Pattern of Argumentation,"
Novum Testamentum, 1993.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Wenig, Margaret Moers,
"Sacred Speech - Sacred Communities," Reconstructionist, 2002.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials - Willimon, William H.,
"Heard about the Pastor Who...Gossip as an Ethical Activity," The
Christian Century, 1990.
EBSCO ATLASerials, Religion Collection
EBSCO ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
- Culpepper, R. Alan,
"The Power of Words and the Tests of Two Wisdoms," Review and Expositor,
- Sermons:
- "Tame Your Tongue," Magrey deVega, Day1, 2018.
- "James: The Tongue," Pastor Edward F. Markquart, Grace Lutheran Church, Seattle, Washington.
- With Children:
- Worshiping with Children, Proper 19B, Including children in the congregation's worship, using the Revised Common Lectionary, Carolyn C. Brown, 2012.
- Drama:
- "Extreme Makeover," Melinda Cousins, dramatix.
- Graphics & Bulletin Materials:
- Hymns and Music:
- “Be Doers of the Word of God” is Carolyn Winfrey Gillette’s hymn, based on the Letter of James, that calls Christians to care for the poor and to put faith into action. Tune: ELLACOMBE D (“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”).
- “O Lord, May All We Say and Do” is Carolyn Winfrey Gillette’s hymn based on the themes found in the five chapters of the Letter of James. Tune: TALLIS' CANON (“All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night”). Published in Baylor University's Christian Reflection journal.
- Hymnary.org, hymns, scores, media, information.
- Fine Arts Images Linked at The Text This Week's Art Index:
- Movies Linked at The Text This Week's Movie Concordance, with the following themes:
- Study Links and Resources for the Book of James