Links to images of Zechariah
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- The Vision of Zechariah, Unknown Italian, c. 1300. The Getty Museum.
- Prophet Zacharias, Jan vanEyck, 1432. Web Gallery of Art.
- Zechariah's Vision of the High Priest and the Devil, Simon Bening, c. 1525-30. The Getty Museum.
- The Prophet Zechariah Has a Vision of Christ, Matthaeus Merian the Elder, 1625-30. Biblical Art on the WWW.
- Zechariah Killed between the Altar and the Sanctuary, James Tissot, 1886-96. Biblical Art on the WWW.
- Habakkuk & Zechariah, icon by Nicholas Papas. "Come and See" Icons, Books & Art.
- Zechariah 8:23, Diane Shimon, Children's Illustrated Bible.