Links to images of Moses
and the Burning Bush
Exodus 3:1-12
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- The Burning Bush, Nicolas Froment, 1476. Web Gallery of Art.
- Madonna of the Burning Bush, Georges Trubert, 1480. Getty Museum.
- Scenes from the Life of Gideon, and Moses and the Burning Bush, Gerard Horenbout, 1510-20. The Getty Museum.
- Border with Moses and the Burning Bush, Simon Bening, 1525. Getty Museum.
- Moses before the Burning Bush, Domenico Feti, 1613-14. Web Gallery of Art.
- The Burning Bush, Franciso Collantes, 1634. CGFA.
- Mother of God Icon: The Inflammable Bush - Icon, 19th century, Orthodox Icons.
- The Burning Bush, serigraph by Shraga Weil, 1990. Safrai Fine Art, Jerusalem.
- Burning Bush, contemporary, Dennis and Phillip Ratner Museum.
- Undated:
- Moses and the Burning Bush - Icon, Coptic Image Archive, The Coptic Network.
- Moses and the Burning Bush, Tiffany Studios, Union Congregational Church, Montclair, NJ.
- Moses and the Burning Bush, stained glass at Sacred Heart, Jersey City.