Links to images of Aaron
- Moses and Aaron at Pharaoh's Court, Hispano-Moresque Haggadah, c. 1300. British Library.
- Purification Sacrifice: Aaron, Sub-Fauvel Master, 1330. The Hague.
- God Sends Fire to Consume the Offerings of Aaron, Alexander Master, c. 1430. The Hague.
- Moses and Aaron Number the People of Israel, 1440, Netherlands. British Library.
- Moses Informing Aaron of God's Message. Flandes Tapestry, 16th century. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
- Gathering Manna: Moses Instructing Aaron to Keep an Omer of It. Flandes Tapestry, 16th century. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
- Moses and Aaron, Bartel Beham, 1526. Northwestern University Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art.
- Zurich Bible, 1536. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive:
- Moses, Aaron, Das Buch der Altveter, des Jsraelitischen volcks, Nemlich, 1536. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Moses and Aaron before Pharoah: An Allegory of the Dinteville Family, 1537. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Aaron, Biblia, 1556. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Aaron and Moses, Biblia 1573. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Burnt Offering of Aaron, Biblia, 1573. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Moses and Aaron Gather the Hebrew Elders for Instruction, Biblia 1573. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Aaron's Staff Buds, Biblia 16--. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Nations of Aaron, The Holy Bible, 1611. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Moses and Aaron Changing the Rivers of Egypt to Blood, Bartholomeus Breenbergh, 1631. Getty Museum.
- Aaron's Staff Buds, Biblia 1672. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Moses and Aaron, La Sancta Bible, 1683. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Aaron's Staff Buds, Biblia ectypa, 1695. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Aaron's Sacrifice Consumed, Biblia ectypa, 1695. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- God Appears to Moses, Aaron and Miriam, Biblia ectypa, 1695. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Aaron and Moses before the Israelites, Biblia ectypa, 1695. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Moses and Aaron approach Pharaoh, Biblia, 1702. Pitts Theology Library Digital Image Archive.
- Aaron's Staff, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Die Bibel in Bildern, 1853.
- Moses and Aaron Speak to the People, James Tissot, 1900. Art Resource.
- Aaron and Hur Holding up Moses's Hands, F.B. Schell, etc. The Story of the Bible, Charles Foste.
- Mooses ja Aaron, Hannes Autere, 1923. Finnish National Gallery.
- The Meeting of Moses and Aaron, Marc Chagall, 1935. Franklin Bowles Galleries.
- Moses, Aaron, and Hur, Arthur Szyk, 1935. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Moses, Aaron, and Hur, Arthur Szyk, 1949. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- So Went Moses and Aaron, Marc Chagall. Martin Lawrence Galleries.
- God Sends Aaron to Meet Moses in the Desert, Marc Chagall, 1966. Spraightwood Galleries.
- Aaron's Rod, Phillip Ratner, Contemporary.
- Moses and Aaron Convince the People, The Brick Testament.
- Prophets Moses and Aaron, contemporary icon, "Come and See" icons.